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美国现代诗里的中国声音 ——析美国现代诗对中国古典诗歌的文化移植

发布时间:2021-05-10 05:31

【文章来源】:厦门大学福建省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:123 页


    0.1 Background and Purpose of This Study
    0.2 Definitions of Terminology
    0.3 Methodology
    0.4 Organization of This Thesis
Chapter One Acculturation of CCP in MAP: An Overview
    1.1 General Observations of the Acculturation of CCP in MAP
    1.2 Important Backgrounds of the Acculturation in MAP
        1.2.1 Non-literary Backgrounds
        1.2.2 Literary Backgrounds
   Literary Traditions
   Major Poetic Movements
    1.3 Stages of Development
        1.3.1 Before 1910
        1.3.2 The New Poetry Period
        1.3.3 The New Criticism Period
        1.3.4 After the 19505
Chapter Two Major Intermedia in the Acculturation of CCP
    2.1 An Overview
    2.2 Visits to China
    2.3 Chinese in America
    2.4 Chinese Art
    2.5 Translations of CCP
        2.5.1 European Translations
        2.5.2 American Creative Translations
   Major Features of Creative Translations
Chapter Three Inspirations from the Chinese Written Language
    3.1 An Overview
    3.2 Inspirations from the Chinese Character
        3.2.1 General Remarks
        3.2.2 Monosyllabic Structure
        3.2.3 Ideogrammic Method
        3.2.4 Concrete Poetry
        3.2.5 “Split-up”
        3.2.6 Chinese Characters as Illumination
    3.3 Modeling on the Chinese Syntax
        3.3.1 General Remarks
        3.3.2 Parataxis of Imagery
        3.3.3 Superposition of Imagery
        3.3.4 Disembodiment
Chapter Four Assimilation of Chinese Poetic Discourses
    4.1 An Overview
        4.1.1 Major Characteristics of Chinese Poetic Discourses
        4.1.2 Major Characteristics of English Poetic Discourses
    4.2 Shiyin (Hermitic) Discourse
        4.2.1 General Remarks
        4.2.2 Conveying Similar Shiyin Yijing
        4.2.3 Presenting Similar Attitudes toward Life
        4.2.4 Modeling on Chinese Poetic Experience and Structure
    4.3 Shiyou (Friendship) Discourse
        4.3.1 General Remarks
        4.3.2 Male Shiyou Discourse
   Writing to Ancient Chinese Poets
   Writing for Present Friends
        4.3.3 Feminist Shiyou Discourse
    4.4 Guiyuan (Boudoir-Plaint) Discourse
        4.4.1 General Remarks
        4.4.2 Guiyuan Discourse by American Male Poets
        4.4.3 Feminist Guiyuan Discourse
    4.5 Ganhuai (Stirring) Discourse
        4.5.1 General Remarks
        4.5.2 Ganhuai Discourse in MAP
Chapter Five Absorption of Chinese Poetic Thoughts
    5.1 An Overview
    5.2 Absorption of Daoist Thought
        5.2.1 General Remarks
        5.2.2 Absorption of Daoist Concepts
   The Concept of Wu
   The Matrilineal View
   Other Daoist Concepts
    5.3 Absorption of Chan Thought
        5.3.1 General Remarks
        5.3.2 Absorption of Chan Concepts

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