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发布时间:2022-08-23 17:18
  本文通过运用社会心理学中对集体心理分析的理论和弗洛伊德的个人心理分析理论,对威廉·福克纳的小说《喧哗与骚动》中个人与社区的关系进行全面分析,从而更加深入地理解小说中造成人物个人悲剧的原因,同时也能够加深对福克纳的人物塑造技巧的理解。 本文运用S.E.Asch关于集体心理的理论和弗洛伊德个人心理分析的理论来研究在《喧哗与骚动》中个人与社区的关系。本文的目的是通过以上的分析可以表明,虽然这部小说被许多评论家认为过于个人化,但是还是能够恰当地用社会心理学的理论进行分析。从而,我们能够了解社区如何促成了个人悲剧。 本文通过两个方面对该小说进行详细地文本分析:一是从社会心理学的角度进行分析,二是个人心理分析。 第一章简短地介绍了福克纳以及他的作品《喧哗与骚动》,尤其是他笔下的南方社区。 第二章回顾了相关的对于福克纳的评论和本文将要运用的相关理论。 第三章详细地分析了《喧哗与骚动》中社区对个人的影响。尤其是社区中各种无论是现实的还是抽象的影响力对个人... 

【文章页数】:70 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Framework
    2.1 .The definition of community
    2.2.Review of the relevant Faulkner criticism
    2.3.Theoretical framework
Chapter 3 Influences of the Community upon the Individual
    3.1 .The pain of conformity upon the Compsons
        3.1.1 .Pressure for consensus
        3.1.2.The threats of loss of individuality caused by conformity
    3.2.Institutions and forces that reinforce conformity
        3.2.1.The repression of community norms and the burden of obsolete norms
        3.2.2.Caddy's agony caused by community expectations
        3.2.3.The harm of community gossips to the Compsons
        3.2.4.Function of the community as lookers-on in the Compsons' tragedy
    3.3.Great pain inflicted by the disastrous interpersonal relationship
        3.3.1.The lack of tolerance in the community
        3.3.2.Failure to interact with other members of the community as another factor for individual tragedy
    3.4.The community's severe punishment of Caddy
        3.4.1.The Community's hostility to Caddy
        3.4.2.The expulsion of Caddy from the town
Chapter 4 Responses of the Individual to the Pressure from the Community
    4.1 .The pain of the individual's integration into the community
    4.2.The suffering caused by the individual's alienation from the community
        4.2.1.Caddy's suffering of solitude
        4.2.2.Tragedy of the Compsons despite their palliative measures
   .Evasive deflections
   substitutive satisfactions
   intoxicating substances
        4.2.3.Quentin's suicidal act
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Works Cited




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