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发布时间:2021-06-27 20:04
  吉安方言是赣方言重要的一部分,词缀“哩”是赣方言特有的名词词尾,在其他汉语方言中极为少见。在普通话推广和城镇化背景下,各方言和语言之间的接触越来越频繁,吉安方言后缀“哩”发生了较大的变异与变化。本研究以变异理论和社会认同理论为指导,选取45名土生土长的吉安人为调查对象,采用访谈法和观察法收集录音数据,并借助GOLDVARB X和Excel(2010)软件对所取得的510条语料进行统计分析。主要研究以下三个问题:1)吉安赣方言中词缀“哩”发生了怎样的变异与变化?2)影响吉安赣方言中词缀“哩”的变异与变化的因素有哪些?3)词缀“哩”使用变化的原因是什么?研究结果显示,吉安赣方言词缀“哩”具有多种功能:既可以表示一种亲昵的感情色彩,也具有小称功能,还可以是一个名词标志,起构词作用。词缀“哩”通常放在普通名词和称谓语的后面。由于受到普通话的影响,词缀“哩”产生了两种新变体,并呈现向普通话靠拢的趋势。在普通名词加“哩”的结构中,词缀“哩”逐渐被词缀“子”所取代;在称谓语加“哩”的形式中,词缀“哩”渐渐消失,出现了相应的普通话中的称谓语,且前者比后者变化较快。从整体来看,吉安人使用新变体比旧变体更... 


【文章页数】:78 页


    Research Background
    Research Questions and Objectives
    Organization of the Thesis
Chapter One Literature Review
    1.1 Previous Researches on Language Contact
        1.1.1 Types of Language Contact
        1.1.2 Outcomes of Language Contact
    1.2 Previous Researches on Affixes
        1.2.1 Categories of Affixes
        1.2.2 Functions of Affixes
        1.2.3 Studies on Affixes in Dialects
    1.3 Previous Researches on Ji’an Gan Dialect
        1.3.1 Affixes in Ji’an Gan Dialect
        1.3.2 Overall Researches on Ji’an Gan Dialect
    1.4 Comments on Previous Researches
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework
    2.1 Variation Theory
        2.1.1 Social and Linguistic Variables of Language Change
        2.1.2 Natural Speech in Variation Study
    2.2 Social Identity Theory
        2.2.1 Basic Process and Types of Social Identity
        2.2.2 Language and Social Identity
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Hypotheses
    3.2 Selection of Subjects
    3.3 Data Collection
        3.3.1 Tape-recorded Naturalistic Conversation
        3.3.2 Observation of the Daily Speech
    3.4 Data Processing
        3.4.1 Transcription of the Recorded Speech Data
        3.4.2 Distributional and Multivariate Analysis
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Changes of the Use of Affix哩/li~(35)/in Ji’an Gan Dialect
        4.1.1 Overall Distribution of Affix哩/li~(35)/
        4.1.2 General Nouns+哩/li~(35)/to General Nouns+子/ts?(55)/
        4.1.3 Address Forms+哩/li~(35)/to Address Forms+Zero
    4.2 Social Factors on the Variation and Change of Affix哩/li~(35)/
        4.2.1 Gender
        4.2.2 Age
        4.2.3 Occupation
        4.2.4 Educational Level
        4.2.5 Region
    4.3 Multivariate Analysis
    4.4 Internal and External Causes for the Change of Affix哩/li~(35)/
        4.4.1 Economic Principle of Language
        4.4.2 Influence of Social Psychology
        4.4.3 Influence of Putonghua
        4.4.4 Influence of Social Development
Chapter Five Implications from the Research
    5.1 Enriching Variation Studies on Dialect Affixes
    5.2 Preserving Local Culture
Works Cited
Appendix A:Coding for Each Factor Group
Appendix B:Samples of Affix哩/li~(35)/Variation from the Excel DataFile
Informative Abstract in Chinese
Résuméand Publications since Entering the Program

[1]移民型柯因内语“江南话”的形成[J]. 李素琼.  湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2019(06)
[2]宁夏方言接触与变异研究[J]. 马军丽.  宁夏师范学院学报. 2019(09)
[3]基于社会语言学的托县话舌根鼻声母变异研究[J]. 王冬梅,王大江.  河北科技师范学院学报(社会科学版). 2019(02)
[4]伊川方言处置句变异的社会制约因素[J]. 刘雅兰,孙德平.  中国语言战略. 2018(02)
[5]平遥方言状态形容词词缀研究[J]. 张凯焱.  现代语文. 2018(07)
[6]大连方言阴平调变异的社会语言学分析[J]. 高玉娟.  辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版). 2018(05)
[7]浅析东北方言词缀“子”[J]. 孙宁.  吉林省教育学院学报. 2018(01)
[8]高淳方言词缀研究[J]. 谢小娟.  语文学刊. 2015(08)
[9]吉安方言中名词词尾“子”考察[J]. 丘妮.  梧州学院学报. 2014(04)
[10]赣方言名词后缀“哩”的若干问题探析[J]. 童芳华.  广西民族师范学院学报. 2014(01)




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