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发布时间:2021-07-07 14:30

【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:110 页


    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research objectives and significance
    1.3 Data collection and research methodology
    1.4 Thesis structure
2.Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on expectation-deviating discourse
        2.1.1 Studies on classifications of expectation deviation
        2.1.2 Studies on expectation-deviating markers
        2.1.3 Studies on sentence structures of expectation-deviating discourse
    2.2 Studies on applications of the Goal-driven Principle
        2.2.1 Institutional discourse analysis
        2.2.2 Non-institutional discourse analysis
    2.3 Studies on doctor-patient conversation
        2.3.1 Studies at home
        2.3.2 Studies abroad
3.Analytical Frameworks
    3.1 Descriptive framework of expectation and its outcomes
        3.1.1 Expectation and its convergence
        3.1.2 Expectation and its deviation
    3.2 Theoretical framework of the Goal-driven Principle
        3.2.1 Communicative models
        3.2.2 Analytical models
    3.3 Interpretive framework of correlations between expectation and goal
        3.3.1 Non-equivalence between expectation and goal
        3.3.2 Dominance of goal
4.Expectation-deviating Discourse in Chinese Doctor-patient Conversation
    4.1 Classifications of expectation-deviating discourse in Chinese doctor-patientconversation
        4.1.1 Two forms
   Explicit expectation-deviating discourse
   Implicit expectation-deviating discourse
        4.1.2 Three types
   Doctor's expectation-deviating discourse
   Patient's expectation-deviating discourse
   Doctor's-and-patient's expectation-deviating discourse
    4.2 Specific Correlations between expectation and goal in Chinese doctor-patientconversation
        4.2.1 Contrasts between expectation and goal
   Expectation convergence and goal realization
   Expectation deviation and goal realization
   Expectation convergence and goal defeat
   Expectation deviation and goal defeat
        4.2.2 Dominance of goal in Chinese doctor-patient conversation
   Expectation and its convergence dominated by goal
   Expectation and its deviation dominated by goal
    4.3 Analytical models of expectation-deviating discourse in Chinesedoctor-patient conversation
        4.3.1 System models of goal and expectation deviation
   Goal system analysis
   Expectation deviation system analysis
   Relationship between two systems
        4.3.2 Dynamic models of goal, context and expectation deviation
   Dynamics of goal and context
   Dynamics of expectation deviation and its retroaction
        4.3.3 Four-level model of expectation-deviating discourse
   Production of expectation deviation
   Manifestation of expectation deviation
   Expectation deviation in goal interaction
   Communication result and expectation deviation
    5.1 Summary of major findings
    5.2 Limitations of the research
    5.3 Suggestions for the future research

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