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发布时间:2021-09-04 12:35

【文章来源】:湖南师范大学湖南省 211工程院校

【文章页数】:103 页


    0.1 Research Subject and Viewpoint
    0.2 Research Significance
    0.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter one Literature RevieW
    1.1 Previous Studies on English Object
        1.1.1 Definitions of English Object
        1.1.2 Studies on English Object Clauses
    1.2 Previous Studies on Chinese Object
        1.2.1 Definitions of Chinese Object
        1.2.2 Studies on Chinese Object Clause
    1.3 Summary
Chapter Two Theoretical Background
    2.1 Typology Theory
        2.1.1 Definitions of Typology
        2.1.2 The Development of Typology
    2.2 Related Theories Applied in Typology
        2.2.1 Typological Universal
        2.2.2 Markedness Theory
        2.2.3 Grammatical Hierarchy
    2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Syntactic Study on English and Chinese ObjectClauses
    3.1 Syntactic Structure of Sentences with Object Clauses
        3.1.1 Syntactic Structure of English Sentences with Object Clauses
        3.1.2 Syntactic Structure of Chinese Sentences with Object Clauses
        3.1.3 Common Syntactic Structure of English and Chinese Sentences with Object Clauses
    3.2 Syntactic Property of Object Clauses
        3.2.1 Syntactic Property of English Object Clause
        3.2.2 Syntactic Property of Chinese Object Clause
        3.2.3 Universal on Syntactic Property of English and Chinese Object Clauses
    3.3 Summary
Chapter Four Semantic Study on English and Chinese ObjectClauses
    4.1 Semantic Relation Between Object Clauses and Other Elements
        4.1.1 Semantic Relation Between English Object Clause and Other Elements
        4.1.2 Semantic Relation Between Chinese Object Clause and Other Elements
        4.1.3 Universals on Semantic Relation Between Object Clauses and Other Elements
    4.2 Semantic Relation Between Object Clauses and Main Sentences
        4.2.1 Semantic Relation Between English Object Clause and Main Sentences
        4.2.2 Semantic Relation Between Chinese Object Clause and Main Sentences
        4.2.3 Universal on Semantic Relation Between Object Clauses and Main Sentences
    4.3 Summary
Chapter Five Pragmatic Study on English and Chinese ObjectClauses
    5.1 Theme and Focus of the Object Clauses
        5.1.1 Theme and Focus
        5.1.2 Study on Theme and Focus of Object Clauses
    5.2 Marked Meaning of English and Chinese Object Clauses
        5.2.1 Marked Meaning of English Object Clause
        5.2.2 Marked Meaning of Chinese Object Clause
        5.2.3 Universal on Marked Meaning
    5.3 Summary
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ

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