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发布时间:2021-10-24 14:42
  本文从语用学研究的对象会话含义着手,从语境的视角阐释会话含义,以便交际双方在语言交流中透彻地理解会话含义,使得交际顺利进行。关于“会话含义”的研究始于美国语言哲学家Grice,合作原则及其会话含义理论为语用学研究话语意义提供了新的理论基础,更侧重实际语言使用中的含义。但是未将语境在阐释会话含义过程中系统的纳入解析因素。在二十世纪八十年代,随着认知学科的发展,法国的社会和认知学科学家Dan Sperber同英国的心理学家Deirdre Wilson共同著作《关联:交际与认知》,这两位学者的学术背景使得关联理论带有明显的心理学特点,抽象且复杂。本文旨在从语境的视角阐释听话人是如何理解会话含义的。本论文将理论和实践相结合,在回顾Grice的合作原则下的会话含义和Sperber & Wilson关联理论下会话含义,分别探讨了他们阐释会话含义过程中的不足,并将采用语境分析法来解决那些不足。为了更好的从语境角度阐释会话含义,在总结并分析国内外语境研究文献的基础之上,本研究取其优势,克服其弊端,将语境分为三个方面:背景语境,认知语境和情景语境,结合大量且丰富的例子,尤其是违反合作原则准则的会... 

【文章来源】:上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:61 页


Abstract (English)
Abstract (Chinese)
Chapter one Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Significance of the Study
    1.3 Organization of this research
Chapter Two Literature Review of Studies on Conversational Implicature (CI)
    2.1 Gricean Theory of CI
        2.1.1 Definition of CI
        2.1.2 Definition of Cooperative Principle (CP)
        2.1.3 The Generation of CI
        2.1.4 Approaching CI from CP
        2.1.5 Evaluation of Gricean Theory
    2.2 Sperber & Wilson’s Theory of CI
        2.2.1 Communication as an Ostensive-inferential Process
        2.2.2 Process for Optimal Relevance
        2.2.3 Identification of Explicature
        2.2.4 Identification of Implicature
        2.2.5 Evaluation of RT-guided CI
Chapter Three Approaching CI from a Contextual Perspective
    3.1 The Importance of Context in Pragmatics
    3.2 The Literature Review of Context
        3.2.1 Foreign Study on Context
        3.2.2 Domestic Study on Context
    3.3 The Function of Context
    3.4 Classification of Context in this Paper
    3.5 Approaching CI from Contextual Perspective
        3.5.1 Flouting Quantity Maxim
        3.5.2 Flouting Quality Maxim
        3.5.3 Flouting Relevant Maxim
        3.5.4 Flouting Manner Maxim
Chapter Four Conclusion
    4.1 Major Findings
    4.2 Limitations
    4.3 Implication to Cultivate Context Awareness
        4.3.1 Introduction
        4.3.2 The Concept and Features of Context Awareness
        4.3.3 English Language Learners’ Context Awareness
        4.3.4 The Advice on Cultivate Context Awareness

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