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发布时间:2022-12-18 20:28
  模因论是一种基于达尔文进化论的观点解释文化进化规律的新理论。模因论认为模因是一种文化信息单位,那些不断得到复制和传播的语言、文化习俗、观念和社会行为等都称为模因。模因作为文化基因,靠复制和传播而生存,语言是它的载体之一。模因有利于语言的发展,而模因本身也靠语言得以复制和传播,二者有着极其密切的关系。 在当今社会,紧张的生活节奏和巨大的工作压力使人们更需要一些幽默诙谐的娱乐节目加以调节和放松。《武林外传》迎合了当今人们的文化消遣心理,以其幽默的故事情节和独特的语言形式取得了成功。 本研究就是从模因论的角度分析《武林外传》中的语言模因现象。文中对该剧中的语言模因进行了分类,并结合模因选择标准和顺应理论对其进行了分析,阐明了语言模因成功的原因,并且指出成功的语言模因能顺应语言使用和交际的需要。 本文虽不是第一次将模因论应用于对语言现象的解释,却是第一次用模因论分析情景喜剧《武林外传》。希望对观众如何欣赏情景喜剧的台词提供新的认识,对情景喜剧台词的创作提些见解性建议,最后希望为情景喜剧在我国的长足发展尽微薄之力。 

【文章页数】:49 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 General introduction to the study of memetics
    1.2 General introduction to this paper
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Studies of memetics at home and abroad
        2.2.1 Studies of memetics abroad
        2.2.2 Studies of memetics at home
    2.3 Origin and definition of "meme"
        2.3.1 Origin of "meme"
        2.3.2 Definition of "meme"
    2.4 Features of memes
    2.5 Replication and selection criteria for memes
        2.5.1 Four stages of meme replication
        2.5.2 Selection criteria for memes
Chapter 3 Meme and Language
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 The relationship between meme and language
    3.3 Replication and transmission of language memes
        3.3.1 Educating and passing on knowledge
        3.3.2 Language applying
        3.3.3 Information communicating and exchanging
    3.4 Types of language memes
        3.4.1 Memetic genotype
        3.4.2 Memetic phenotype
Chapter 4 Memes in the Sitcom My Own Swordsman
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 General introduction to the sitcom My Own Swordsman
    4.3 The relationship between language memes and the sitcom My Own Swordsman
    4.4 Classification of language memes in the sitcom My Own Swordsman
        4.4.1 Language memes produced by the sitcom My Own Swordsman
        4.4.2 Selection criteria of language memes produced by the sitcom My Own Swordsman
        4.4.3 Language memes transmitted by the sitcom My Own Swordsman
   Memetic genotype
   Memetic phenotype
Chapter 5 Memes in the Sitcom My Own Swordsman in Light of AdaptationTheory
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 General introduction to adaptation theory
    5.3 Contextual correlates of adaptability in language memes in the sitcom My Own Swordsman
        5.3.1 Theoretical framework
        5.3.2 Practice in the sitcom My Own Swordsman
        5.3.3 Structural objects of adaptability in language memes in the sitcom My Own Swordsman
   Theoretical framework
   Structural objects of adaptability in sound structure
   Structural objects of adaptability in words
   Structural objects of adaptability in sentence structure
    5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusions
    6.1 Conclusions
    6.2 Limitations of this paper
    6.3 Suggestions for further study

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