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发布时间:2018-10-24 11:17
[Abstract]:Objective: multiple endocrine adenoma type 2 disease (MEN-2), from the genetic analysis, dominant genetic lesions located in the autosomal, clinical is a rare disease, the disease of the data and scientific research is less. In this paper, 12 cases of MEN-2 type were found by sorting out and analyzing the related cases of urology in central hospital of Shandong Provincial Hospital in recent 20 years. The familial genetic characteristics and prognosis of the disease were analyzed and compared. Diagnosis and treatment of this rare disease and improve the prognosis of patients provide reference and clinical basis. In this paper, the recent literature on MEN-2 type is summarized, and the new advances in gene diagnosis and prophylactic treatment on this basis are summarized. Materials and methods: from May 1992 to December 2016, 12 patients with bilateral pheochromocytoma caused by multiple endocrine adenoma type 2 were found in our department. The clinical manifestations, imaging diagnosis, biochemical examination, treatment, prognosis and postoperative follow-up were analyzed objectively, and the methods of definite and assisting diagnosis, principles and methods of surgical treatment were discussed. Results: according to the clinical cases of 12 patients, all the patients underwent abdominal CT examination in our hospital or outside hospital, and the imaging diagnosis confirmed bilateral adrenal mass. Among them, 6 cases were diagnosed as thyroid carcinoma after operation. In order to treat adrenal occupying site, 5 cases were found thyroid occupying and bilateral adrenal mass, and 1 case was treated with thyroid B ultrasound after bilateral pheochromocytoma. There were 5 patients with hypertension, 7 patients with bilateral tumor whose maximum diameter exceeded 6cm, 3 familial hereditary cases (one family), and 1 patient with recurrence of pheochromocytoma after operation. Conclusion: in daily clinical work, if there are clinical symptoms such as hypertension, palpitation, and bilateral pheochromocytoma found by imaging examination, thyroid B ultrasound must be added to determine whether there is thyroid occupying or not. And further confirmed whether the thyroid medullary carcinoma. The patients with these signs were highly suspected to be multiple endocrine neoplasms and could be diagnosed by RET gene test. At present, the main treatment is surgical resection or prophylactic resection. When pheochromocytoma and other tumors exist at the same time, it is advisable to remove pheochromocytoma first to avoid the risk of hypertension caused by other tumors.


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