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发布时间:2016-09-25 13:08





【Abstract】 As a new economic form, Conference and Exhibition Tourism Industry, which has the characteristics of being more comprehensive, more connective to other industries, enjoys high reputation in the world. It is known as "bread of the cities", "diamond on the throne" and "industry without smoke". It has been valued by more and more states and regions. Conference and Exhibition Tourism Industry plays an important role in establishing a city’s domestic and international reputation and promoting the local economy. Chinese Conference and Exhibition Tourism Industry has been considered to be a significant focus in the course of development as well as a potential industry. The city of Langfang makes full use of its resource to grasp the chance to get a great development of this industry. Though with a late start, Langfang insists on the way of comprehensive, harmonious and sustainable development. With less places of interests, Langfang opens its mind on the theme of "Larger Tourism", and sets this industry as one of key industries during the period of "the eleventh five-year". More and more Conference and Exhibition are held in Langfang each year, such as "Fishing Tackle Exhibition", "International Elevator Exhibition", "Tourism Fair", "International Educational Equipment Exhibition", "Oil Pipeline Equipment Exhibition", etc. However, the development of Conference and Exhibition Tourism Industry in Langfang is still staying on its base and having some problems. These issues need detailed study in theory and practical solutions. And it is the reason of doing this research. The paper proposes some detailed strategic measures for the development of the Conference and Exhibition Tourism Industry in Langfang City. The measures provided are Laws Establishment and Regulations Improvement; Market-oriented Operation and Association Operation; Basic Construction Strengthening, Service Facilities Improvement and Service Quality Enhancement; Multi-cooperation and Getting Support form the Majors; New Concept for Development, Forming the Linkage between the Tourism and Exhibition Industry; and Developing Its Own Tourism Resources, Tourism Products and Tourism Market; Developing in Its Own Characteristic Way; Advertisement Expanding; Marketing Strategies.

【关键词】 会展; 旅游; 会展旅游; 廊坊市; 对策;
【Key words】 conference and exhibition; tourism; conference and exhibition tourism; Langfang City; strategies;

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  • 上一篇文章: 基于上海都市旅游发展的公共服务业态探讨

  • 下一篇文章: 党内巡视制度与反腐倡廉探讨

  •   本文关键词:廊坊会展旅游发展之初探,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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