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发布时间:2018-01-26 17:37

  本文关键词: 供应链管理 项目管理 精益化供应链 ERP系统管理 流程再造 出处:《天津大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the increasingly fierce market competition environment, in the development of economic globalization, textile machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises are facing material costs, labor costs. Management costs continue to rise. As the market increasingly requires more sophisticated product quality, customer standards for product specialization and service are becoming higher and higher. It is necessary to strengthen the lean management and control of supply chain in purchasing management. How to combine supply chain management and project management organically to establish a set of efficient and orderly management. The procurement management strategy to adapt to the actual situation of equipment manufacturing enterprise project is the focus of this paper. Through the combination of theory and practice, based on the current supply chain environment. In this paper, the project procurement management of equipment manufacturing enterprises is demonstrated and analyzed, which combines theory with practice. In this paper, a certain B company of a German group in Beijing is taken as the main object of the case study. Based on the theory of supply chain management and equipment manufacturing project management, this paper analyzes the project purchasing strategy of textile machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises. Aiming at the related problems, the paper puts forward the relevant purchasing strategy to optimize and improve. B Company is mainly engaged in the supply of man-made fiber manufacturing equipment, which belongs to the project manufacturing and engineering management enterprises. Its procurement must have the characteristics of project management, compared with ordinary procurement or simple custom-made production, it has more complexity and high standard. B company is in a high leading position in the field of industry. There has been a lot of successful experience in management, but there is still room for growth. Then the paper focuses on the analysis of the problems existing in the project procurement management of Company B in the supply chain environment. The main problems revolve around four aspects: first, the inventory and the delivery period of the project procurement management; Secondly, the problem of ERP system under project order management; Thirdly, the control and management of project purchasing cost; In the following chapters, this paper puts forward effective purchasing strategies and solutions to these problems. For example, carry out the lean supply chain management mode deeply; Improve the management of ERP system matching the mode of lean supply chain and project purchasing mode, and update the design of ERP system from the point of view of project manufacturing; Adopt the strategy of reducing purchase cost; In the aspect of management process reengineering, the cost improvement of Sourcing should be fully considered. After the corresponding strategy is optimized, B company will be in inventory, delivery time, cost. The management process will be greatly improved and improved. I hope that through the elaboration and analysis of this article, I can provide some reference ideas and suggestions in the equipment manufacturing enterprise project procurement management strategy. To guide similar enterprises in the fierce market competition to help company B in the global chemical fiber textile equipment industry has been an advantage to maintain a leading position.


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