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发布时间:2023-06-01 05:19
  太极拳是中华武术的精品,是典型的中国传统文化和哲学思想的产物。太极拳术语浓缩了太极拳的精华,具有极强的文化负载能力,从词、义和文化层面上影响着太极拳的传播。在太极拳国际化进程中,翻译是太极拳对外传播的第一步,而太极拳术语翻译又是太极拳翻译的第一步。 几十年来,太极拳的英文译本不断增加,并且太极拳术语的翻译各有不同。译本的多样性与译者的主体性有着密切联系。译者的主体性在整个翻译过程中起重要作用,并极大影响译文的风格和释义。本文拟从译者主体性角度出发,并以目的论、阐释学的理论为基础,对杨振铎、杨俊敏、路易斯·斯威姆的三个海内外不同英译本中的太极拳术语进行对比研究。三位译者的文化背景差异对其主体性的影响在太极拳术语英译中得到了充分体现。本文将从原语文本和翻译策略的选择、文本理解阐释及原语再现等方面出发,比较不同译本针对太极拳术语的不同翻译处理,并进一步探讨其背后的原因。 通过对比分析,本文的结论是:译者主体性是导致太极拳术语多译本存在的重要因素;在译本对比研究时,应充分考虑译者的因素,进一步分析差异产生的深层原因,以期更好的促进太极拳翻译,乃至整个武术翻译实践。同时,希望该研究能引起人们对太...

【文章页数】:62 页


中文摘要 Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research purpose
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Structure of the thesis Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Related studies on translator's subjectivity
    2.1.1 Studies on translator's subjectivity abroad
    2.1.2 Studies on translator's subjectivity in China
2.2 Related Studies on Taijiquan
    2.2.1 Overview of Taijiquan translation at home and abroad
    2.2.2 Overview of translation studies of Taijiquan at home and abroad
    2.2.3 Limitations of the previous studies
2.3 Necessity of the present research Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework: Translator's Subjectivity
3.1 Subject and subjectivity
3.2 The connotation of translator's subjectivity
3.3 Manifestation of translator's subjectivity
    3.3.1 In the motivation for choosing the source language text
    3.3.2 In comprehension of the source language text
    3.3.3 In selection of translation strategy
    3.3.4 In expression of target language text
3.4 Translator's subjectivity and Wushu classics translation Chapter 4 A General Survey of Taijiquan Terms
4.1 History of Taijiquan
4.2 Conception of Taijiquan terms
4.3 Features of Taijiquan terms
    4.3.1 Culture features
    4.3.2 Linguistic features Chapter 5 Translator's Subjectivity in Three English Versions
5.1 Translator's subjectivity in selection of the source text
    5.1.1 Yang Zheduo's version
    5.1.2 Yang Jwing-Ming's version
    5.1.3 Louis Swaim's version
5.2 Translator's subjectivity in selection of translation strategy
    5.2.1 Yang Zhenduo's translation strategy
    5.2.2 Yang Jwing-Ming's translation strategy
    5.2.3 Louis Swaim's translation strategy
5.3 Translator's subjectivity in comprehension of Taijiquan terms
5.4 Translator's subjectivity in reproduction of Taijiquan terms
    5.4.1 Different translations of basic movements
    5.4.2 Different translations of culture-loaded Taijiquan terms Ecological culture Social Culture Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 General summary of the thesis
6.2 Limitations and suggestions for future studies Bibliography Publications during the Postgraduate Program Acknowledgement




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