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owned economy comprehensively deepening the reform classific

发布时间:2016-08-04 18:27



On the Major Tasks for Comprehensively Deepening the Reform of State-owned Economy in a New Period


Research Group from Institute of Industrial Economics CASS (Institute of Industrial Economics CASS, Beijing 100836, China)



AbstrAfter the Third Plenary Session of the 18Л CPC Central Committee, China has entered a new period of comprehensively deepening the reform. Under the new conditions, the fundamental goal of state-owned economy reform is to achieve an overall integration of state-owned economy and mature market economy system, on condition that market plays a decisive role in resource allocation. To achieve the goal, China has to implement four major tasks. (l)Adjust the function and distribution of state-owned economy according to SOE's national mission. It is essential to define accurately the functions of different SOEs. We suggest that SOEs should be classified into three types, according to their different missions and functions, including public policy, specific functional and general commercial enterprises. This is the premise of state-owned economy reform. We propose that, among the existing 113 central state-owned enterprises, there are 5 public policy enterprises, 32 specific functional enterprises and 76 general commercial enterprises. In the new period, state capital will increase investment in public welfare, in order to make greater contribution to the provision of public services. This functional transformation means that China needs to develop a strategic restructuring of state-owned economy. Due to the different functions of the three types of SOEs, the directions and focuses of their strategic adjustments are different. The state-owned economy of monopoly industries is a very special part with most serious problems. We should carry out ownership reconstruction to promote business and organization restructuring, so as to improve both industrial efficiency and enterprise performance. ②Promote the diversified ownership eco


Keyword::state-owned economy comprehensively deepening the reform classification of SOEs function strategic adjustment the diversified ownership reform management system of state-owned economy classifiedgovern








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