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发布时间:2018-06-20 21:06

  本文选题:卡西尔 + 文化科学 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:卡西尔从其文化哲学的理论背景出发,提出“文化科学的逻辑”这一命题,就是要在与自然科学的对比中,阐述文化概念的逻辑性格,进而确定文化科学的独立性和合法性。本文以《文化科学的逻辑》1为文本依据,通过批判性地文本解读和文本分析的方法,考察卡西尔提出“文化科学的逻辑”这一命题的哲学背景、具体内容以及重要意义。全文分为四个部分。第一部分阐明卡西尔的《文化科学的逻辑》与其文化哲学工程之间的关系。卡西尔在批判超越新康德主义的基础上,创建符号形式的哲学,实现了文化哲学理论的转向。《文化科学的逻辑》是卡西尔晚年的代表作之一,是对文化哲学思想的进一步深入和发展。第二部分从文化科学的研究对象、感知方式和研究方法三个方面,来考察卡西尔是如何确立文化科学独立地位。第三部分探究卡西尔对“文化科学的逻辑”这一命题的阐述。首先,点明这一命题的言说语境,指出在卡西尔那里, “逻辑”不是指形式推理的原则,而是与人创造性的精神活动相关;其次,通过与其他概念进行比较,卡西尔揭示出文化概念的独特性;最后通过分析形式概念与风格概念,卡西尔阐明文化概念的逻辑性格。这种逻辑以不确定性为特征,以形式的整体为认知理想,以共同的意义把普遍与特殊结合在一起。第四部分阐述卡西尔文化科学观的开放性和包容性,以及就某些问题与国内相关研究者的商榷。最后做出总结,指出卡西尔提出“文化科学的逻辑”这一命题的合理之处和局限性。
[Abstract]:From the theoretical background of his cultural philosophy, Cassier put forward the proposition of "logic of cultural science", which is to explain the logical character of cultural concept in comparison with natural science, and then determine the independence and legitimacy of cultural science. On the basis of "Logic of Cultural Science" 1, this paper examines the philosophical background, concrete content and significance of Cassier's proposition "Logic of Cultural Science" by means of critical text interpretation and text analysis. The full text is divided into four parts. The first part expounds the relationship between Cassier's Logic of Cultural Science and his cultural philosophy project. On the basis of criticizing and transcending Neo-Kantianism, Cassier created the philosophy of symbolic form and realized the turning of the theory of cultural philosophy. The Logic of Cultural Science is one of Cassirer's masterpieces in his later years. Is to the cultural philosophy thought further thorough and the development. The second part examines how Cassier establishes the independent position of cultural science from three aspects: the object of study, the way of perception and the research method. The third part probes into Cassier's exposition of the proposition "Logic of Cultural Science". First of all, it points out the context of this proposition and points out that in Cassier's view, "logic" is not the principle of formal reasoning, but is related to the creative spiritual activities of human beings; secondly, it is compared with other concepts. Cassier reveals the uniqueness of the cultural concept, and finally clarifies the logical character of the cultural concept by analyzing the formal concept and the stylistic concept. This kind of logic is characterized by uncertainty, takes the form of the whole as the cognitive ideal, and combines universal and special with the common meaning. The fourth part expounds the openness and inclusiveness of Cassier's view of cultural science, and discusses some problems with domestic researchers. Finally, it points out the rationality and limitation of Cassier's proposition "Logic of Cultural Science".


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