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发布时间:2018-06-21 04:54

  本文选题:表现民俗 + 民俗文化 ; 参考:《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2016年03期

[Abstract]:The issue of folk customs and customs in folklore villages or ethnic villages and folklore tourism has always been discussed by academic circles, or it is considered to be false folklore, which has a negative influence on folk culture, or that it is the folk custom of performance, which has fictitious and exaggerated elements. Or think that the folk custom remaking of the national village is the "expression" of the folk custom, and if it is properly reconstituted, it can become an acceptable folklore. There are broad and narrow ways to express folklore. From the point of view of the change of folklore, this paper distinguishes the performance folklore in a broad sense as life folklore, performance folklore and pseudo-folklore, and holds that life folklore is the true, normal form of folklore inheritance, and performance folklore is the new normal form of folklore inheritance. Performance folklore is the display form of the diversity of folk culture, pseudo-folklore is a kind of social cultural disorder, and the narrow expression of folklore refers to the relatively objective "time and space reconstruction" of the native folklore.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学社会学系;


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