
发布时间:2018-01-01 23:14

  本文关键词:智利“芝加哥弟子”研究(1953-1982) 出处:《山东师范大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: “芝加哥弟子” “智利项目” 芝加哥学派 智利天主教大学 新自由主义改革

【摘要】:智利“芝加哥弟子”是美国冷战时期通过意识形态输出干涉发展中国家经济发展道路的典型案例,同时,他们还领导了皮诺切特独裁政府的新自由主义改革,通过该个案研究,可以深入探讨美国对外文化输出战略、新自由主义改革和官僚威权主义下的专家治国等重要的理论问题。但是,国内外学术界对“芝加哥弟子”没有给予足够的重视,对其系统性的全面研究不多。本文正是在搜集整理史料的基础上,对“芝加哥弟子”完整的历史活动进行梳理,同时,给予其客观、全面和合理的评价。 智利“芝加哥弟子”源于美国国际开发署对智利发起的对外援助项目即“智利项目”。该项目的出台既是冷战时期美国政府通过意识形态输出的方式对抗共产主义的产物,也是20世纪50年代初期苦于无法解决通货膨胀问题的智利寻求外国援助的结果。1956年至1964年期间,不同批次的“芝加哥弟子”不仅在芝加哥大学接受了芝加哥学派的理论,而且,他们还建立起改变智利经济的使命意识。赴美交流的“芝加哥弟子”陆续回到智利,他们首先参与到天主教大学的教学活动中,利用芝加哥所学成功地改造了天主教大学经济系。然后,,他们通过和智利商界中与美国联系密切的最有实力的商业集团——爱德华兹集团进行合作,参与到决定智利经济发展方向的行动中,为即将成立的军政府准备了经济计划。1973年军政变后,皮诺切特在智利建立了军事独裁统治,他启用具有专业才能的“芝加哥弟子”管理经济。1975年4月,“芝加哥弟子”在智利开始新自由主义改革。改革严格执行了芝加哥学派的教义——反对国家干预经济,建立完全自由市场机制。改革取得了相当的成就,但是,也付出了沉重的社会代价。 “芝加哥弟子”的产生是美国冷战时期文化输出战略、智利当时的政治经济形势、芝加哥学派的支持和该群体个人作用等多种因素的结果。“芝加哥弟子”领导的新自由主义改革,给智利引入了市场机制和经济开放,他们将智利现代化引入了新阶段。该群体对智利现代化的贡献应该被肯定。但是,由于教条地执行新自由主义主张,“芝加哥弟子”给智利社会带来了沉重的社会代价。他们还为皮诺切特的军事独裁统治重新塑造了意识形态,巩固了当时的政治统治,同时,作为技术专家,他们促进了智利专家政治的发展。“芝加哥弟子”对智利和拉美经济学科的发展也做出了重要贡献,他们不仅实现了智利天主教大学的革新,还促进了拉美地区经济学理论的多样化,培养了经济学人才。
[Abstract]:The Chicago disciple in Chile was a typical example of American interference in the economic development of developing countries through ideological export during the Cold War. At the same time, they also led the neoliberal reform of Pinochet's autocratic government. Through this case study, we can deeply discuss some important theoretical issues, such as the export strategy of American foreign culture, the reform of neoliberalism and the rule of experts under bureaucratic authoritarianism. The academic circles at home and abroad have not paid enough attention to "Chicago disciple", and there are few systematic and comprehensive studies on it. This paper is based on collecting and sorting out historical data. At the same time, it gives an objective, comprehensive and reasonable evaluation of the complete historical activities of disciple of Chicago. "Chicago disciple" of Chile originated from the "Chile Project", a foreign aid project launched by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Chile. The project was launched as a product of the American government's campaign against communism through ideological exports during the Cold War. It was also the result of Chile's search for foreign assistance in the beginning of 1950s, which was unable to solve the inflation problem. Between 1956 and 1964. Different batches of "Chicago disciples" not only accepted the Chicago School at the University of Chicago, but also. They also established a sense of mission to change the Chilean economy. "Chicago disciples" who traveled to the United States returned to Chile one after another, and they first took part in teaching activities at Catholic universities. Chicago was used to successfully transform the economics department at the Catholic University. Then, they worked with the Edwards Group, the most powerful business group in Chilean business that had close ties to the United States. In the process of determining the direction of Chile's economy, economic plans have been prepared for the forthcoming military junta, where Pinochet established a military dictatorship after a military coup in 1973. He used the professional "Chicago disciple" to manage the economy. April 1975. "Chicago disciples" began neoliberal reform in Chile. The reform strictly carried out the doctrine of the Chicago School-against state intervention in the economy, the establishment of a complete free market mechanism. The reform achieved considerable success. However, it has also paid a heavy social price. The emergence of "Chicago disciple" is the cultural export strategy of the United States during the Cold War period, and the political and economic situation of Chile at that time. The support of Chicago School and the result of many factors such as the individual role of this group. The Neo-liberalism Reform led by "Chicago disciple" introduced the market mechanism and economic opening to Chile. They introduced the modernization of Chile into a new stage. This group's contribution to the modernization of Chile should be recognized. However, because of the dogmatic implementation of neoliberalism. "Chicago disciples" brought heavy social costs to Chilean society. They also reshaped the ideology of Pinochet's military dictatorship, consolidated the political rule of the time, and served as technical experts. They promoted the development of expert politics in Chile. "Chicago disciples" also made important contributions to the development of economic disciplines in Chile and Latin America. They not only realized the innovation of the Catholic University of Chile. It also promoted the diversification of economic theories in Latin America and trained economic talents.


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