
发布时间:2018-01-05 03:27

  本文关键词:明代南直隶兵防体制研究 出处:《东北师范大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 南直隶 南京 兵防体制

【摘要】:南直隶即留都南京,为明朝财经重心、政治副中心和军事重镇。其兵防体制历经前期首都变留都、中叶操巡江统合、嘉靖防倭与文官提督扩权、晚期四子防区定型等四阶段。因应迁都,形成守备班子统率常设京营负责城防,而城防兵力有所削弱、其他卫所兵力有所增强,但前者仍主操守,后者则多役于屯与运。因备倭,海防归入直浙闽备倭都指挥统辖。正统后,海道宁息,三地分设备倭。明中叶沿江治安恶化,始以南京副或佥都御史提督操江兼巡江,统合江海防,镇戍营兵制和以文统武体制初步成型。嘉靖中,因防倭,该体制全面展开,南北巡抚获提督军务权,参赞尚书获统合全南直军事权。倭平后,文臣提督权被制度化,南北两巡抚的海防信地和操江都御史的江防信地就以W 山和三江会口为界,江防、海防之间的防汛协作机制也同时成立。参赞尚书统合京营防区、操江防区、江南防区和江北防区延续至明末。北京陷落后,南直隶军事布防成为弘光政权再构成的支撑力量。南京兵部尚书参赞机务史可法上书废除南京留都体制,设立京营戎政制度。江北四镇,驻守武昌地区的左良玉部为南京重要屏障,守备体制控制的武装力量转向弘光政权的体制。但弘光政权灭亡,留都终未能为明朝赢得偏安之局的地步。
[Abstract]:Nanzhili that leave Nanjing, as the center of finance, deputy political center and military stronghold. The anti soldier system after early leave the capital city, the middle river patrol operation integration, anti Japanese and civilian admiral Jiajing expansion, four sub sector late four stage. By setting the capital formation, garrison command team standing Beijing camp responsible for the Yugoslav capital, and defense forces weakened, the other guard forces has increased, but the former is still the main conduct, while the latter serve Tun and shipped. Because of Beiwo, Zhejiang and Fujian Beiwo are classified as direct defense command. Under orthodox, Hokkaido Ning interest, three points along the mid Ming Dynasty. Japanese equipment deterioration of public security, the beginning Nanjing deputy or censor all admirals Caojiang and patrol the river, the coastal town of Shu Ying Hejiang, military system and the system of Wu system initially formed. Jiajing, due to the Anti Japanese, the system is in full swing, and won the governor admiral military power, won the South unite straight Shangshu counsellor military power. After the japanese, The right to be institutionalized fumiomi generals, governor of North and south two coastal and Jiangdu foreign letter letter to censor Jiangfang W mountain and Sanjiang will export sector, the defence cooperation mechanism between flood control and coastal defense also established. Beijing camp counsellor Shang integration zone, fuck Jiangfang area, Jiangnan and Jiangbei area continued to stand at the end of the Ming Dynasty. After the fall of Beijing, South Zhili military deployment support for Hongguang regime form. Nanjing bingbushangshu counsellor petitioned the abolition of Nanjing leave system maintenance Shi, Beijing set up camp Rong Zheng system. Jiangbei town four, stationed in Wuchang area of Nanjing Liangyu left an important barrier, the armed forces garrison system control steering hongguanng the regime system. But the Hongguang regime will not perish, stay for the Ming Dynasty Pianan win bureau level.





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