
发布时间:2018-01-29 08:23

  本文关键词: 宋代 诗歌 科举 教育 出处:《河北大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This article is based on the Song Dynasty poetry as the basic historical materials, "the history of poetry" as a rational way, to the historical dimension of the interpretation of poetry, breaking through the previous research, from a new perspective to the Song Dynasty imperial examination. From the perspective of the development of literature, the Tang and Song dynasties were the golden period of the development of ancient Chinese culture and education, especially the Tang Dynasty. Song poetry is called a wonderful flower in the history of ancient literature. The development and prosperity of poetry is closely related to the prosperity of imperial examination system. As everyone knows, Tang Tianbao years. The court established the "Shi Fu" as the main judge of the examination, although this measure has brought a certain negative impact on the quality of poetry. But the positive effect on the development of poetry is more obvious. Among the more than 40,000 poems collected in the whole Tang Dynasty, nearly 2, 500 poems about the imperial examination include almost all the famous poets of the Tang Dynasty, which can be said to be. Tang Dynasty poetry for the prosperity of a certain number of safeguards. In the early Northern Song Dynasty, the court still followed the "poetry Fu" this practice. Therefore, the prosperity of poetry in this period laid a certain social foundation. In the period of Shenzong, the imperial court adopted the method of "taking the scholar by the classics and righteousness", especially after Wang Anshi took the "three Classics and New righteousness" as the examination content of the imperial examination. This resulted in the narrow knowledge of scholars, the shallow and sparse writing of the article, which directly led to the decline of literature, and some scholars even called the late Northern Song Dynasty "cultural desert". The rise and fall of poetry in Song Dynasty has a direct relationship with the changes in the content of imperial examinations. From the perspective of historical dimensions, the rulers attached great importance to the role of imperial examination system in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, due to the need of political stability. Not only improve the system construction, further cancel the threshold of admission, expand the number of students, so that more scholars can participate in it, we can say, in the Song Dynasty-imperial examination-official. Become the unremitting pursuit and life track of most scholars, but also become their most important social ladder. In this period, the ancient commodity economy got a relatively large opportunity for development, under the impact of the commodity economy tide. The concept of people gradually changed, "the debate of righteousness and benefit" has become the focus of extensive social discussion again. It is out of practical considerations that most people regard the imperial examination as a shortcut to maximize their own interests. Inspired their desire to gain fame, hope through the imperial examination to change their destiny. Therefore, in the collection of Song Dynasty, there are nearly 10,000 poems related to imperial examinations and education. The lines fully express their yearning for the imperial examination. And in these poems, most of them are related to the economic interests of reality. It reflects truthfully the mentality of scholars in Song Dynasty and a special aspect of social history in Song Dynasty.




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