
发布时间:2018-02-01 19:42

  本文关键词: 周秦汉 文士 疏离 主体性 疏离文学 出处:《上海大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The phenomenon of alienation refers to the spring and Autumn Period emerging scholar class alienation "official" consciousness, pursue a kind of cultural phenomenon of self subjectivity, including alienation behavior and alienation spirit. By royalty or imperial domination caused by the "official" consciousness is one of the mainstream view of the cultural values of "official" consciousness. Is the official, is governed as a core reuse social value scale to measure a person's social status and value. The alienation behavior refers to the scribes to avoid explicit utility (i.e. official interest) behavior; the scribes alienation is beyond the spirit of the Literati Spirit refers to the ideology, is the subject of this scribe in the world of ideas and the mainstream. Avoid explicit utility and beyond. The scribes disengaged behavior the driving force is the core connotation and spirit of alienation of the scribes; the scribes spirit is the main demand of alienation. Ancient scribes hidden Yi Wen Is a part of the literati culture alienation phenomenon. This paper is divided into the first, the next and the conclusion. The first part mainly is the evolution of the alienation phenomenon as a diachronic study longitudinal, divided into three chapters mainly describe the characteristics of three stages: the first stage is the spring and Autumn period. Its stage characteristics is the emerging scholar class (the subject is the scribes the formation of subjectivity, high). The second stage is the period of Emperor Qin period. In this period, scholars (i.e. Confucian literati roughly) the main way to achieve congestion, the phase characteristics is to explore diversified values and the alienation of the way. The third stage is the Han Dynasty period. Along with the private ownership of land preliminary the establishment of the autocratic system, mature stage characteristics is closely related to the development of alienation literati lifestyle and land ownership, scholars pursuing ways (literati) subjectivity in centralized despotism adorable. After development and bud, realization of literati subjectivity gradually lost. Literati has been seeking subjectivity reflects the way of life. The four components of the subjectivity of the literati literati pastoral life, namely the material basis of alienation of the literati lifestyle, attitude adjustment strategy of alienation of the literati, social value realization and friends and leisure the way, to have been formed before the Tang Dynasty, the literati pastoral life, and become the subject of the return path. The first part also describes the essential characteristics of alienation of the literati lifestyle is an important point of alienation from the "official" consciousness, to illustrate the establishment of alienation theory, constitute the possibility of alienation of ancient and modern literati lifestyle system. In the second part, this paper studies the phenomenon of alienation in literature week scholars in Qin and Han Dynasties. Mr Zhou Qin and Han scribes alienation of literary expression, and the sparse From the phenomenon of evolution, is part of the phenomenon of alienation in the scribes. At the beginning, "Zhou Qinhan scholar alienation literature" was defined as a category of literature and literary trends, it is the spirit of literature, alienation, is a kind of special literature by the strong subjectivity of the scribes to create these literary works, including poems, poetry, prose and other literary history works, philosophers. Alienation literature contains recluse literature. Yet the "alienation of literature" as a category of literature to study. Then, from the fifth chapter to the ninth chapter, this paper focuses on the research of the scribes Qin and Han literature. The conclusion of alienation make an overall summary of the Zhou Qinhan scholar phenomenon of alienation, and points out the three main effects of the phenomenon of alienation of traditional literati China scribes Literature: one is the value orientation, strengthen the Wen Renwen The "Tao" features; two is in the way, strengthen the subtle characters of literati lyrical literature; the three is in the theme, strengthen the literature on "nature" as the background and reference features. This thesis attempts: a study of the Zhou Qin and Han scribes alienation phenomenon from the source, to highlight the alienation phenomenon Chinese scribes people from the "official" consciousness, pursue knowledge class subjectivity in common; two, after the distinction between the subject and the alienation of the occasion of the spring and autumn of the scribes (people) from the main body, clearly pointed out that the traditional Chinese hermit culture later is the subjectivity of the literati literati culture alienation three, describe the whole process; the guiding ideology of subjectivity is the pursuit of literati literati hermit ideas mature in the Eastern Jin Dynasty to drop, and the effects of literary subjectivity before the Tang dynasty literati demand for lifestyle factors development guidelines for In order to solve the problem of the origin of literati and landscape (Tian Yuan) literature.





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