
发布时间:2018-02-05 17:58

  本文关键词: 《钦定蒙古国则例》 法律 规则 出处:《内蒙古大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In 1911, the 1911 Revolution broke out, and on December, Kalkha Mongolia broke away from the Qing Dynasty and declared its independence. In order to deal with and deal with many new problems in the judicial field, the government formulated a law entitled "the rules of Law of Mongolia". In recent years, The academic circles have studied this legal document from many aspects, but have not carried out systematic research from the angle of history. The internal affairs and foreign affairs are relatively complete and comprehensive laws and regulations which were implemented by the Bokdohan regime at that time to regulate various social relations, and are equivalent to the Constitution in the modern sense. This paper uses the methods of historical and legal literature research. This paper is composed of introduction, five chapters, conclusions, references, and so on. In this paper, five chapters are taken as the research vision, divided into stages, in-depth and systematic empirical analysis, on the basis of which the legal provisions of a specific period of time are discussed as a whole. At the same time, it puts forward the innovative viewpoints and opinions. In the introduction part, the present situation and significance of the research are described, and the purpose, methods and framework of the research are introduced. This paper expounds the subjective and objective causes of the laws and regulations, the traditional customary laws, and the rules and regulations that were applied in Khalkha Mongolia before the introduction of the rules of principles of Mongolia. Chapter two, according to the original historical materials of law and history, This paper analyzes the distribution of state power and the duties of state organs in the rules of principles of the people's Republic of Mongolia. Chapter three, Buddhism plays a very important role in the system of Bokdohan regime. This chapter is of great importance to the relations between the state and religion. In the two aspects of the relationship between the state and Lamaism, the author analyzes the great influence of religion on the Mongolian regime through the historical data of law. 4th chapters, classifies and summarizes the criminal law system and penalty measures stipulated in the rules of Law of the Kingdom of Mongolia. 5th chapters. This paper makes a detailed analysis and study on the human rights, namely human rights and private rights, in the rules of the Imperial Mongolia. The conclusion briefly summarizes the results of the research.


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