
发布时间:2018-02-09 06:17

  本文关键词: 视空间工作记忆 开放性运动锻炼 老年人 认知老化 出处:《上海体育学院》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Visual spatial working memory function in older people's decline is one of the causes of cognitive aging, and it is also one of the characteristics of cognitive aging. Exercise helps to prevent or delay cognitive aging. But there is no direct evidence that exercise can effectively delay the recession, the elderly visuospatial working memory function and the existing of exercise delayed cognitive aging research, rarely distinguish different effects of open and closed exercise on cognitive aging. Based on this, this study selected the healthy elderly people to participate in the experiment, according to the exercise style questionnaire "and" international physical activity questionnaire > will be divided into the table tennis which is a typical opening movement as the main way to exercise, running, swimming and closed movement as the main form of exercise and sedentary group three groups. The three part of the study included in this study. The first part is as empty Between working memory tasks of different sports exercise of elderly people in the whole of the visuospatial working memory characteristics were discussed (Experiment 1). The second part used the visuo spatial short-term memory task (Experiment 2) and visuospatial mental rotation task (Experiment 3) were isolated from active processing for the elderly and the visual spatial working memory the passive storage components, explore open exercise group elderly visuospatial working memory decline was delayed reasons. In the third part, the second part of the research results based on the further explore the cause of open exercise of the elderly passive storage advantages generated through controlling visuospatial short-term memory tasks in time (Experiment 4), or provide some support in the process of maintaining the environment (Experiment 5), to investigate the ability to open the elderly exercise against visual spatial information decline is better; the short-term memory in visual space In addition as the spatial information jamming task (Experiment 6a, 6b), the word interference (Experiment 7a, 7b), to explore the open exercise of elderly people in the visual space information storage process is to eliminate the interference ability better. The main research results are as follows: (1) open exercise group and exercise closed group the correct rate of visual spatial working memory task was significantly higher than the sedentary group. (2) open exercise in elderly patients was significantly higher than that in sedentary group correctly in visual spatial short-term memory task, while in the visual space of mental rotation tasks, no differences between the groups. (3) there are no significant differences between different groups in exercise different time intervals to maintain the correct rate of visual spatial information on short-term tasks. (4) different exercise group in support of no significant difference between the accuracy of spatial information on short-term memory tasks. (5) open exercise group in the visual space There is interference between information conditions, the correct rate of visuospatial short-term memory tasks were significantly higher than the sedentary group. (6) open exercise group in word interference as the correct rate of spatial short-term memory tasks were significantly higher than the sedentary group. Conclusions are as following: (1) to participate in the exercise of the elderly people (regardless of movement) decline of the visuospatial working memory has been effectively alleviated. (2) open the exercise of the elderly as the spatial information storage component ability better, and in the operation component of visuospatial information, there is no difference between the groups of elderly people. The functional differences on components of storage may lead to different exercise of the elderly in the visuospatial working memory ability. (3) open exercise of the elderly to prevent irrelevant information from entering the visuospatial working memory ability, but against information There is no advantage in the ability to dissipate. Stronger ability to prevent irrelevant information entry may lead to the advantage of open exercise for elderly people in the storage components of visual space.



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