
发布时间:2018-02-14 22:02

  本文关键词: 中美文化 网络游戏 暴力美学 出处:《上海大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:An extremely contradictory situation faced in this study due to the development of network game, on the one hand, as an important part of modern culture industry, the network game has been developing rapidly in China, and achieved considerable economic benefits; on the other hand by the community especially educators and students for some parents blame. The violence and the phenomenon of adolescents in our country, people tend to be the reasons attributed to the network game, especially due to the violent content in network game. Whether the violence aesthetic phenomenon in traditional art also exist in the online game? Especially in the film and television special "Violence Aesthetics" paradigm in network game is played? If you can find the relevant links, whether we can swim to digestion or weakened by method of network violence The negative impact of violence in the play? These questions are the starting point of the research. This paper selects two typical network game as the specific research object. One is an China traditional cultural characteristics of the "martial arts" theme online games, is a business with globalization features of American online game violence. The content and performance of these two types of games has great representative. According to the above problems, this paper set up two main clues. One clue is the research on the aesthetics of violence and violent culture. Firstly, the research status about violence aesthetics of audiovisual products are reviewed, analyzed and summarized philosophy and aesthetics foundation of aesthetics of violence from the social and cultural reasons and its aesthetic value. Then, the Sino US cultural origin of the violence. The comparative research on the cultural differences between China and us The traditional and different forms of violence aesthetics, and from the "traditional culture", "Violence Aesthetics" and "aesthetic tendency", "violence art style", "aesthetic" and "the beauty of form" six aspects. As the culture of the theoretical basis of this study. Another clue is the aesthetic characteristics of the phenomenon of violence and online games. First, study on the relationship between the game and reviews the previous art, reveals the close relationship between play and art in aesthetic activities, and between them with the same and different aesthetic characteristics. Secondly, analyzes the difference between the modern network game with the traditional game, and focuses on the basic aesthetic characteristics of online games, aesthetic behavior and aesthetic experience, aesthetic phenomenon which is different from the traditional art. Then, combing the research of network game The violence and its classification, and the violent resolution strategy between China and us in network game analysis and comparative study, as the network game violence digestion and violence research reality aesthetic foundation. According to the above research results, this study through analysis and summarize, innovatively put forward the basic characteristics of Chinese network game the aesthetics of violence, and based on the differences of aesthetic culture, from the five aspects of a comparative study on the characteristics of violence aesthetics embodied in the network game. Chinese violence in the "free" feature and the United States online game violence in the "competitive" feature comparison; China network game violence "team spirit" features with the United States in the online game violence "personal heroism" feature comparison; network game China violence "formal" characteristics and The United States online game violence in the "realistic" characteristics of the comparison; Chinese network game violence in the "romantic" characteristics and the network game violence "banter" characteristic of Chinese comparison; network game violence in the "moral" characteristics and the United States online game violence "to moral character" comparison of the basic point of view is that network game is a new form of art, and the television violence, violence literature and other art forms belong to art creation, aesthetic characteristics. But at the same time should also objectively recognize the adverse effects produced by flooding violence can not ignore the network game in the standard and without society. Should use violence aesthetics ideas and expressions of digestion in network game violence, and attach importance to the political, moral point. Through comparison More research, I realized that not all the manifestations of violence aesthetics are suitable for the development of Chinese network game. Chinese network game in violence, with "legitimacy", "moral", "team spirit", "form" and "romantic" artistic expression is should adhere to and carry forward for the embodiment of "freedom" violence aesthetics characteristic, if only reflect the display of violence in the control and should be cautious or given certain restrictions. In the United States in the network game, violent "competitive" aesthetic characteristic is that we should learn from the "realistic violence," are we should oppose and abandon. We do not advocate in the game praised the "personal heroism" and "moral violence", but the approach of "jocosity" do some exploration The negative effects due to the performance of violence aesthetics can not completely eliminate violence, this study based on the aesthetic value of full use of violence, inherit and develop the excellent traditional China violence in traditional art and aesthetic experience, based on China's cultural policy, the establishment of prevention of violence in the negative impact of network game the work of system. Based on the analysis of the relevant policies of the network game management in China and the United States and other countries of the network game grading management system, proposed the establishment of network game classification management system suitable for the characteristics of China cultural views. The innovation of this paper, mainly reflected in the network game aesthetic theory analysis in the network game, violent resolution strategies, violence aesthetic characteristics of network game and its comparative study.





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