
发布时间:2018-03-13 15:39

  本文选题: 切入点:淡美 出处:《南京艺术学院》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Taking "light" as beauty is a phenomenon worthy of attention in Chinese traditional art aesthetics. From the point of view of the main philosophical source of "light", The "light" theory of Taoism not only refers to the characteristics of "Tao" "tasteless", but also refers to the way of "doing nothing", but also refers to the realm of "not interacting with things" and "wandering the mind to the light". The theory of "light beauty" correspondingly includes the light of style. At the same time, The Confucian theory of "big soup left behind" and Zhou Yi's theory of "Bai Ben without fault" also had a profound influence on the theory of "light beauty". The Wei, Jin and six dynasties period was the period when "light" changed from philosophical concept to aesthetic concept, and "light" followed its original meaning. It is a derogatory art criticism. The formal development of the theory of "light beauty" began in the mid-Tang Dynasty. First of all, in terms of style, on the one hand there is "light" on the one hand, relying on the Confucian theory of "big soup" as the theoretical basis; on the other hand, there are Taoists. Bai Ben, based on the theory of Zhou Yi, was the main implicit "light" catalyzed by Buddhist thought. Su Shi's theory of "light" in the Song Dynasty combined the two theories, which made "plain" become the popular style of the Song Dynasty. Secondly, in the theory of creation, Su Shi's theory of "light" made it a popular style in the Song Dynasty. In the middle Tang Dynasty, the subjective initiative of the subject was emphasized, and the free expression of the subject was regarded as the premise of creation, but at the same time, the skill was regarded as the guarantee of quality. Based on the theory of "doing what can be done and creating and thinning", the criticism standard of "bland" is higher than that of "fine energy" in the field of calligraphy and painting, and through the momentum of Mi Fu's theory of "bland innocence", It provided the theoretical basis for the prosperity of literati painting. Again in the realm theory, the mid-Tang Dynasty began to create by Wang Wei, summed up the "dilute" poetic environment, In the Song Dynasty, due to the rise of Neo-Confucianism, Huang Tingjian put "bland" above "dangerous monster". The creation of Ni Zan in Yuan Dynasty connected the theory of "light beauty" with elegant personality cultivation. The theory of "light beauty" in Ming and Qing dynasties was summed up and perfected by Dong Qichang and Wang Shizhen. But at the same time, it also lost the meaning of the realm theory because of falling into the level of technique. This article takes "style theory", "creation theory", "realm theory" as the frame, examines the different aspects of "light beauty" theory, at the same time unifies the thought history and the cultural history background of different periods. To trace the development of the theory of "light beauty" in order to show the richness of the theory of "light beauty" in a stereoscopic and comprehensive way.




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