
发布时间:2018-03-24 23:32

  本文选题:道德 切入点:利益消解 出处:《吉林大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:"Moral appearance" refers to Marx to realize the moral values; "the interests of the digestion", does not refer to non benefits or to the interests of, but not to benefit as the core goal of the social state. This is Marx's dialectical critical moral values formed by the "human society", (1): "nature" -- the social status of the realization of communism. Marx's moral appearance is digestion interests, but the interests of the digestion is not necessarily because of Marx's moral appearance. Morality originates from human nature rational understanding of the realization of morality is the human rational ability. Therefore, there must be two in direct opposition to the moral view: first, rational and human psychological sense, human beings must get real happiness and joy, the interests of moral behavior, we call descriptive ethics; second, reason and feeling excluded Psychological, to reason, to realize the moral principles of pure reason, we called normative morality. Morality is the descriptive natural human behavior, namely voluntary behavior may describe how external. It is the Renaissance, especially after the enlightenment to the legitimacy of morality. In the exclusion of feeling and rational the psychological pursuit of pure reason, as a moral practice, it is a way to get the intuitive command of moral norms, this is the reason of moral norms. The pursuit of interests, as the feeling and mental happiness is to meet the economic way out. In ancient society, the pursuit of interests in addition to Stoicism, almost no gain the legal status of morality. Only to the modern renaissance, especially the enlightenment process, interests of the pursuit of legitimacy is "classical liberal thinkers" strongly on Permit and esteem, formation of modernity so far. Of course, modern thinkers also continued, and demonstrates the rationality of moral norms on the basis of the new criticism, the interests of the pursuit of "classical liberalism". This criticism is mainly composed of German classical philosophy thinkers advocated and the Marx doctrine in the disclosure. Based on inheriting and criticizing Hagel's dialectics, a dialectical criticism of morality. Marx (2) holds that the first unconditional premise of human history is the basic needs, it is also a "human society" unqualified dialectical ethics is critical, Marx's morals. We don't deny that the interests of possession (and normative moral values, but the absolute dissimilarity) occupies more than interests (unlike descriptive ethics). It is to keep the position and negative criticism of any reality, so it is The practical way of thinking and way of life. Only in this way, realize the implementation of dialectical criticism morality is the Marx doctrine of "human society". From the implementation process of Marx's "human society", dialectical criticism of morality is based on national law, criticism on the basis of religious criticism, criticism National economics, alienation and criticizing the capitalist mode of production caused by the people. The moral critique of dialectical criticism on religion, established as "existence"; critique of capitalist social structure, established the reality of the people; for all previous historical criticism, established the development of a person; dialectical critique of moral self realization, the establishment of practice (dialectic) subject who eventually established the all-round development of people. In the moral formation of dialectical criticism of society, state Will follow the "non political" and die. Therefore, "human society" shows its existence to people. This paper consists of six chapters, the brief introduction of each chapter is as follows: the first chapter, introduction, introduces the research background, theoretical significance and practical significance of the research, research status, research methods, innovation and the shortcomings in the research content. The second chapter, from the perspective of Marx's dialectical thinking mode is based on negative criticism, dialectic, historical process and Practice on the basis of criticizing. Is the essence of "people" self expansion, self clear. It is the end of human morality form, open the human the moral nature of practice, found that the "human society" civilization of self denial. In the third chapter, from the angle of social life style criticism of the "civil society" way of thinking, life style and moral model, demonstrates the main Marx The meaning of moral values is the dialectical critical morality is the essence of "people". In the fourth chapter, from the perspective of the survival needs to demonstrate benefit is the basic need of human activities, is the basic premise of social history, but once the interests become the social goal of core and life, alienation of human society will become. The "human society" to any reality in certain on the basis of a negative understanding of the essence of "people" to create the world at the same time, in practice, people create their own. In the fifth chapter, from the "human society" self presentation on "human society" is the freedom of the people the nature of negativity and practice gradually. Equal communication is the basic form of human society, it is the individual self creation and the difference of the show, this is the "person in this matter" "Human society" s self realization. In the sixth chapter, from the view of the future direction of moral dialectical criticism. Marx's dialectical criticism moral expression of "human society" is communism. Modern capitalist world has produced such as the alienation of human nature, class division, science and technology system, identity crisis, ecological crisis is endangering the survival of mankind problems, life and development, need to "human society" from the way of thinking, way of life and lifestyle changes all the existing.





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