
发布时间:2018-04-02 16:08

  本文选题:民国 切入点:商业美术 出处:《华东师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The turning point in the period of the Republic of China is in the China from the traditional to the modern commercial art on the shoulder promote the development of national economy, to save the fate of the nation in peril, to achieve national rejuvenation of the historical mission, is the whole nation's attention. Even in today's commercial art, to promote the development of China real economy, increase the people's life well, still has a substitution effect. So indelible in the Republic of China commercial art in-depth study has important guidance and reference role in today's business. The art creation of the Republic of China business art whether it is not stopped in the era of the Republic of China or in modern times, but the overall system analysis is not much the commercial art in the Republic of China. The spreading process of commercial art with the American political scientist Lasswell in "spread in the community structure and Spread in the paper put forward the function "theory in the classical model of" 5W ":" who "commodity producers and commercial artist (communication object);" what to say "- Commercial Art (media content);" through what channels "- bearing commercial art media (communication channels);" "-- commercial art audience who (communication object) and" get what effect ". The issue of the use of the communication theory, four important factors of commercial art in-depth analysis. Specifically: the first chapter, the initiator and commercial art commercial art creation creation subject together the commercial art communication subject. The initiator of commercial art includes commodity producers and operators, commercial art creation subject including commercial art individual workers and commercial art institutions. They have a unique selection of commercial artists and works principle, method of promotion of commercial art, and tried to commercial art and artists to create. The second chapter, the dissemination of the contents of commercial art includes business information and dissemination of business information symbols to be transmitted. Commercial art carries commercial information advertised type business information, pay attention to the quality of the type of business information and strengthen the demand type of business information. The spread of commercial information bearing the symbol showing a rich visual form, embodies the unique value of communication. In the third chapter, because of the audience and the media to watch the commercial art in different ways, can be divided into commercial art media publicity the independence of commercial art and commercial art media. Media of public signs and advertising media, movie posters and advertising media independent media. Commodity packaging media of commercial art media, book cover media, media and newspaper media advertising calendar. In the fourth chapter, the commercial art audience is different because of the different groups, with the concept of consumption, and showing a different aesthetic taste, the characteristics of the audience have promoted the development of commercial art. The fifth chapter to promote the commercial art sponsors actively improve commercial art activities in the commercial art, promote the development of commercial art symbol, to promote the development of new media art business, and promote the commodity sales and brand development in four aspects, to study the commercial art dissemination effect, is to study public acceptance the commercial art works. The four important factors in commercial art in-depth analysis and systematic study on the application and development of the commercial art It provides a useful supplement for modern art history and modern Chinese graphic design history, as well as a case supplement for modern Chinese design management.





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