
发布时间:2018-04-09 04:05

  本文选题:周令钊 切入点:时代与艺术家 出处:《中央美术学院》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:In various media reports, Zhou Linzhao is a famous Chinese artist, designer, participant and witness of a series of national image design projects in New China.In the study of art history, Zhou Linzhao was an artist who entered the official history.In the study of design art, Zhou Linzhao's decorative style has become a classic of the times.Zhou Linzhao's "amphibious battle" between art and design has not been fully presented in all kinds of art historical materials. Public opinion and people's cognition of him often only restore some one-sided situation.In all kinds of media reports, Zhou Linzhao is a diligent and productive artist. In daily life, Zhou Linzhao is a simple optimistic old man.He does not like to talk about politics, but at critical times he firmly chooses to stick with the Communist Party.He firmly and firmly believed in the ideal of progress, during the War of Resistance to speak for the nation, after the founding of New China for the country.Zhou Linzhao's turn of every era is not only the guidance and call of the Communist Party, but also the result of his own cultivation and artistic feelings.This paper attempts to concatenate various "fragments" of the local image of Zhou Linzhao, forming a relatively complete concept.At the same time, on the basis of this concept, we try to sort out the relationship between Zhou Linzhao and the times, the Communist Party and the art intellectuals.Finally, the author discusses the combination of Zhou Linzhao's personal experience with the times, the path and possibility of politics, and the artist's ideal and the needs of the times.The main contents of this thesis are the second, third and fourth chapters.The second chapter elaborates Zhou Linzhao's joint and creation during the War of Resistance against Japan.At the critical moment of national crisis, he resolutely gave up his personal life and devoted himself to the propaganda work of the War of Resistance against Japan. This consciousness led him to complete the transformation of his identity as a commercial advertising designer to a propagandist artist of the War of Resistance against Japan.In the sharp confrontation between commercial interests and national needs, Zhou Linzhao chose the unity of artistic pursuit and national needs.Zhou Linzhao did not have many works in this period.The third chapter takes Zhou Linzhao's national visual design after the founding of New China as the text to explain how his national traditional style is transformed into a modern nation-state 's self-representation, which represents the tradition and shows the new meaning.The traditional national style in Zhou Linzhao's works is a match between the national needs and the creative enthusiasm of the artists.The choice of form is mostly the active choice of the artists combining their knowledge reserves and understanding of the new China.The fourth chapter takes Zhou Lingzhao's other works after the founding of New China as the text to explain how Zhou Linzhao's sincere praise and imagination of the new life can be projected into the creation by artistic beauty.The founding of New China provided a stable living and creating environment for artists. At this time Zhou Linzhao entered a period of high production and art was maturing day by day.Zhou Linzhao's case study shows that there is a subtle relationship between the artist's personal interest and national needs.




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