
发布时间:2018-04-10 17:37

  本文选题:翻译过程研究 + 汉英翻译策略 ; 参考:《山东大学》2016年博士论文

【摘要】:在认知心理视域下,翻译策略一般是指译者在语言转换过程中对所遇到的问题潜意识解决过程。翻译过程研究借助认知心理学中的有声思维法,在20世纪80年代取得较大成果。翻译策略实证研究一直以来都是翻译过程研究的基本内容之一。近些年,基于过程的翻译研究越来越受到关注。研究重心逐渐从宏观的过程描述转到微观的具体变量,比如翻译单位,翻译述要,时间压力,修改及策略等,研究方法已经从有声思维法发展到多元技术法。最近击键记录法和眼动法的广泛应用标志着西方译界在翻译实证研究领域又向前迈进了一大步。但是,直到20世纪末中国翻译研究者才开始意识到依靠科技观察翻译行为研究的重要性。在接下来的大约15年间,西方翻译过程研究的相关理论与方法逐渐引介到国内,中国译界对这种新兴的研究模式表现出强烈的兴趣。但是,相较而言,因为缺少成规模的研究组织,再加上研究技术滞后,中国的翻译过程研究刚刚起步。本文主要研究在汉译英过程中不同水平译者所使用的策略特点,力图回答以下三个问题:(1)不同水平译者在汉译英过程中所使用的策略具有哪些基本特征?(2)不同水平译者在汉译英过程中所使用的策略是否具有共同倾向性及差异性?如果是,表现在那些方面及其原因?(3)这些策略的倾向性与差异性是否因文本类型的不同而发生改变,如果是,文本类型在哪些方面改变了译者的策略使用?本研究采用三元数据分析法,数据来源包括:即时有声思维、Translog文件、屏幕录像专家文件、问卷、访谈和译文等,其中对受试的观点及翻译过程的描述主要基于即时有声思维、问卷和访谈。同时,转录的有声思维作为主要数据来源,用于分析策略使用的基本特征、倾向性和差异性,其他数据来源作为辅助性参考。在检验译者努力的程度时,采用由Translog 2006统计的“停顿”作为主要数据来源,访谈与即时有声思维数据作为补充,交互验证研究结果。本研究的被试根据其翻译水平分为三组(每组6人):翻译新手(2名男性4名女性;平均年龄21岁;年龄范围在20到22岁之间),高级学习者(2名男性4名女性;平均年龄25岁;年龄范围在24到27岁)和职业译者(3名男性3名女性;平均年龄36岁;年龄范围在31到43岁之间)。三组的分类标准如下:职业译者须至少有五年的翻译经验;累计翻译100万汉字以上;生活收入的70%以上来自于专职翻译活动;均通过英语专业八级考试,成绩良好及以上。该组译者平均每周的翻译训练时间均在15小时以上,在前期培训中翻译平均成绩为83。高级学习者来自山东大学翻译硕士研究生;均通过英语专业八级考试,成绩合格。该组译者平均每周的翻译训练时间在2-5个小时之间,在前期培训中翻译平均成绩为79.61。翻译初学者来自山东财经大学非英语专业本科三年级学生,英语专业辅修生,均通过大学英语六级考试,但未参加英语专业八级考试。该组译者平均每周的翻译训练时间不超过2小时,在前期培训中翻译平均成绩为70.22。所有被试母语均为汉语。翻译材料包括一份操作说明书(217个字)、一首短诗(44个字)和一则广告(119个字)。根据Reiss的文本类型分类标准,三份翻译材料分别属于信息型文本、表情型文本和感染型文本。翻译(汉译英)无时间限制。研究结果采用定性描述与定量分析相结合的方式。首先,本研究对三组不同水平译者在如下方面分别进行详细描写:受试者的背景信息;关于翻译本质、问题解决模式、文本类型意识、翻译策略及其使用的观点;每个受试者的翻译过程。其次,根据有声思维和定量统计数据,三组译者之间策略使用的情况描述如下:不考虑文本类型的因素,不同水平译者总体策略特征包括:(1)在汉译英过程中,三组译者解决翻译问题的程序相同;(2)依据问题解决的程序,翻译策略被分为六类:表征策略、建构策略、回避策略、执行策略、监控策略和评价策略。三组译者的策略使用主要集中在建构与执行两种策略类型上;(3)根据译者对问题的直接反应方式,三组译者的策略被概括为分析模式、工具模式和直觉模式。不同水平译者策略使用的差异性包括:(1)在策略种类与频率的使用上,三组不同水平译者依次呈现出先升后降的趋势。高级学习者使用的种类与频率最多,初学者使用的策略种类最少,且多具有微观性,职业译者策略种类丰富,但总体频率与初学者接近;(2)非职业译者(包括初学者和高级学习者)过度依赖查询词典策略;(3)对译语文本的监控意识与翻译水平有关,译者水平越高,监控策略使用的频率越多。考虑文本类型的因素,不同水平译者的策略倾向性与差异性包括:(1)所有译者均意识到了各个文本的独特性,文本类型对宏观策略(翻译的总体原则与倾向的行为模式)的使用有所影响,但对微观策略(译者在问题解决与决策过程中的具体行为)影响不明显;(2)诗歌对不同水平译者策略使用的差异性影响最小,其次为操作说明书,广告影响最大。(3)通过检验每个文本的平均停顿时长和平均停顿率,发现诗歌翻译给译者带来的认知负荷最大,操作说明书翻译给译者带来的认知负荷最小。据此推测,文本的难度会影响译者策略使用的差异,文本过难或过易,均不会对策略差异造成太大影响。本研究结合认知心理学中的问题空间理论,及翻译过程研究中的相关文献对上述研究结果进行阐释和讨论,讨论内容包括三组译者在翻译过程中问题解决的结构与阶段,策略使用的倾向性与差异性,文本类型对策略使用及译者认知努力的影响等。本研究进一步探讨了以上发现对翻译培训的教学启示,并提出尝试性建议:建构基于过程的翻译教学模式;培养学生在翻译过程中的宏观视野;培训学生翻译专业文本材料;控制学生适当使用词典。论文最后指出本研究的不足之处并对后续研究提出了建议。本研究的主要贡献有:(1)研究发现,译者翻译水平对其思维过程与策略使用的影响有规律可循,这种规律通过翻译培训是可以习得的;(2)上述因翻译水平造成的影响程度会因文本类型的不同而发生变化;(3)将汉英翻译作为调查对象的实证研究尚不多见,本研究探讨了汉英翻译过程中策略使用情况,丰富了国际实证翻译过程研究。尽管本研究不尽完善,但可以为改善汉英翻译教学提供依据和指导。
[Abstract]:In the last 15 years , Chinese translation researchers have been more and more concerned about the strategies used in translation studies .
Mean age was 21 years ;
Age ranged from 20 to 22 years of age ) , senior learners ( 2 men , 4 women ) ;
The mean age was 25 years ;
Age ranged from 24 to 27 years of age and 3 men in 3 men ;
The mean age was 36 years ;
Age ranged between 31 and 43 years of age ) . The three groups of classification standards are as follows : the translator should have at least five years of experience in translation ;
the accumulative translation is over 1 million Chinese characters ;
More than 70 per cent of the living income comes from full - time translation activities ;
The average weekly translation training time is over 15 hours , and the average score in the pre - training is 83 . Senior learners are from Shandong University ;
The average weekly translation training time is between 2 and 5 hours , and the average score of the translator is 79.61 . In the pre - training period , the average score of the translator is 79.61 . The translation material includes an operation instruction ( 217 words ) , a short poem ( 44 words ) and an advertisement ( 119 words ) . The translation material includes an operation instruction ( 217 words ) , a short poem ( 44 words ) and an advertisement ( 119 words ) .
On the essence of translation , problem solving mode , text type awareness , translation strategy and its usage ;
Secondly , according to the sound thinking and quantitative statistics , the strategies used between the three groups are described as follows : ( 1 ) In the process of Chinese translation , three groups of translators solve the problem of translation .
( 2 ) According to the problem - solving procedure , the translation strategy is divided into six categories : characterization strategy , construction strategy , avoidance strategy , execution strategy , monitoring strategy and evaluation strategy .
( 3 ) According to the direct response of the translator to the problem , the strategies of the three groups are summarized as the analysis mode , the tool mode and the intuition mode . The differences between the strategies of the different levels include : ( 1 ) The different levels of the strategies used in different levels include : ( 1 ) The types and frequencies used by the senior learners are the least , the types of strategies used by beginners are the least , and the overall frequency is close to the beginners ;
( 2 ) Overreliance on dictionary strategies by non - professional translators ( including beginners and advanced learners ) ;
( 3 ) The higher the translator ' s level , the more frequently used in the translation , the higher the translator ' s level , the more the control strategy uses . ( 1 ) All the translators are aware of the uniqueness of each text , the text type has some influence on the use of macro - strategies ( the overall principles and the behavior patterns of translation ) , but the influence of the micro - strategy ( the specific behavior of the translator in the process of solving and decision - making ) is not obvious ;
( 3 ) By examining the average pause duration and the average pause rate of each text , it is found that the cognitive load brought by the translator to the translator is the least . The study combines the problem space theory in cognitive psychology and the influence of the translator ' s cognitive effort .
To cultivate students ' macroscopic view in the process of translation ;
Training students to translate professional text materials ;
The author points out the shortcomings of the study and puts forward some suggestions on the follow - up study . The main contribution of this study is : ( 1 ) The study found that the effect of the translator ' s translation level on the use of the strategy and strategy is regular , and the law can be learned through translation training ;
( 2 ) The degree of influence caused by the translation level will vary according to the type of text ;
( 3 ) As an empirical study of Chinese - English translation as an object of investigation , this study explores the strategy usage in the process of Chinese - English translation , enriches the research of international empirical translation process . Although the study is not perfect , it can provide the basis and guidance for improving the teaching of Chinese - English translation .





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