
发布时间:2018-04-11 22:25

  本文选题:敦煌 + 曹氏归义军 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Cao Gui Rebellion was the local power of the five dynasties, Song Dunhuang.Cao's successive dynasties made most of them worship Buddhism, which had a profound influence on the development of Dunhuang Buddhism and the construction of grottoes.Cave 55 of Mogao Grottoes was built between 962-964, and Caoyuanzhong was made by the fourth Chao Gui Rebellion.In addition to the provider of the later image cover repainting, other statues and murals are original.Whether it is the selection and combination of sculptures and scriptures, or the religious and secular significance embodied in the grottoes, the grottoes are representative in Dunhuang grottoes.On the basis of the existing research results, this paper uses the methods of archaeology, philology, religion, and imageology, based on the analysis of the image constitution, deeply interprets the Buddhist thought and the secular significance, and then probes into the overall construction thought of the cave.The statue on the Buddha altar in the center of the cave and the Maitreya transformation in the west of the cave top constitute the three Maitreya meetings that combine the painting and sculpture, which jointly determine the Maitreya belief in the cave, and the changes in the four shops of the cave top four drape jointly reflect the thought of the common meeting of the Buddhas from all sides.And with the Maitreya Pure Land as the core, covering the Pure Land of the other Buddhist countries represented by the changes; the combination of images before and after the back screen of the Buddha altar has a very strong political symbolism; and the seven Buddhas on the east side of the main chamber, the combination of "Jin Guangming's change" and "Miyan Sutra change",At the same time, it reflects the motive of holding precepts and repentance, and at the same time echoes the idea of precepts emphasized in Maitreya Sutra.The north and south walls of the main chamber are "Maitreya Sutra" and "Tian Tian's change", "View infinitesimal Life Sutra change" and "Pharmacists change", < Siyi Van Fantian asked about the Sutra change > and < return of Grace Sutra change >, < Buddha Dun Shengsheng Tuoroni Sutra change > and < Quan Yin Classic > four groups of images.Among them, "the Sutra of the endless Life" and "the Pure Land change of the Oriental Pharmacists" occupy the leading position. In the expression of the grotto thought centered on Maitreya thought, the believers are given different directions and different levels of the order of the Rite repentance.Cave 55 blends secular ideas into religious statues.In the aspect of secular utility, repentance, death, living in Maitreya Pure Land is the main motive of the cave. When expressing this motive, the image configuration reflects the careful design idea of the cave builder and the religious ideal.The cave follows the tradition of the statue of Dunhuang Grottoes. The allocation of the images of the Buddha altar and the top of the grottoes pays attention to the construction of Maitreya context, and pays attention to the connection and echo with the images of the walls, reflecting the spirit of Maitreya of all living beings and the combination of various pure lands.It reflects that the master of the grottoes, as the local supreme ruler, in the cave construction centered on Maitreya faith, wishes that all living beings can realize the wish of dying in the Pure Land.The construction of Cave No. 55 not only shows the prestige and influence of Cao's family, but also shows Cao Yuanzhong's unique concept of integrating religion into political governance.The construction of the cave not only shows Cao Yuanzhong's worship and conversion to Buddhism, but also testifies to the important achievements made by the Cao family in Dunhuang history.




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