
发布时间:2018-04-23 01:18

  本文选题:受事主语句 + 界定 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:Subject sentence is one of the most important and special sentence patterns in modern Chinese. Many achievements have been made by the researchers, but there are still a lot of research space to be excavated, such as the definition and classification of the subject subject sentences, the typicality of the subject sentence, the relationship between the ideographic function of the subject and the function of the discourse. There are eight parts in this paper, which are "NP subject to +VP" and compared with "NP +NP +VP" and "NP +NP receiving +VP". The first chapter is the research status and development trend of subject subject sentence. It mainly summarizes and summarizes the research situation of the subject sentence of modern Chinese, points out the achievements of the subject sentence research, the focus and reason of the argument, and puts forward the research space that the subject sentence can be excavated in the future and is worth further exploring. The second chapter is the definition and classification of the subject subject sentence. This paper, starting with Lu Jianming and Shenyang (2004), derives the structure form of the "Chinese abstract verb", and derives the structure of the subject sentence: (a) NP is subject to +VP, (b) NP is applied to +NP +VP, (c) NP +NP subject to +VP, and the same time structure must satisfy the two semantic conditions: (1) the NP is still affected after the shift. The verb must have the argument, the semantic role can not change before and after the shift, (2) NP can not be added preposition under any circumstances. The subject subject sentence is a prototype category, there are typical and atypical points. The typical subject subject sentence includes the words, the matter, the result as the subject, the atypical subject sentence including the tool, the place, the motivation, The third chapter is the comparison between the syntactic and semantic function of the typical subject sentence and the comparison between the three structural expressions. The.NP is generally a noun or pronoun phrase which is generally simple in structure, with the semantic features of the subject, the definiteness, the boundedness, the non life and the weak action. VP is usually a complex form with a preattached or appended component. The form of NP is very simple, usually the form of a born light pole noun or pronoun. The amount of information conveyed differently by the subject sentence structure is also different. The subject is generally a noun or noun phrase of the structural sentence, and the focal point often falls on the complement, adverbial or auxiliary word. And "NP is +." NP +VP "and" NP +NP by +VP "," NP subject to +VP "is an obvious predominant word order. The fourth chapter is the syntactic and semantic function of the atypical subject sentence. The tool in the atypical subject sentence can be used as the subject and subject, and there are two criteria in Syntax: when the subject subject is subject to the subject or can not add" the application + use '" "Structure, or can't take object, is not restricted by the subject language. Whether it is the subject or subject, the tool has both the characteristic of the application and the subject. It also has its own" force transmission "characteristics. As a subject, there is no sign of the orientation word, which is both a place in the objective world and an action action. The motivation is an abstract noun. The motive is an abstract noun that is not an entity. As a subject, it is the same as a tool and a place. It has both subject and self motivational roles. The object is influenced by the dominant verb and is extremely weak, but its boundedness and definiteness are very prominent. The fifth chapter is the typicality and cognitive solution of the subject subject sentence. The strength and weakness level of a typical subject subject sentence is: a subject sentence, a subject sentence, a result subject sentence; an atypical subject subject to a subject sentence: a tool subject sentence (exactly should a tool subject subject sentence), a subject sentence, a subject sentence, a subject sentence, a cognitive protruding degree and a verb name The sixth chapter is the transitivity investigation and analysis of the subject subject sentence. The transitivity of the subject subject sentence is the sixth chapter. The transitivity of "+VP" is a continuum, which determines that the syntactic and ideographic functions of "NP by +VP" are also continuous distribution: the more the lower transitive direction, the more inclined to the description or evaluation of the table. It is syntactically used in syntactically the use of psychological verbs, possibly complements, the more inclined to the table narration in the direction of high transitivity, the more the action verbs (especially the change verbs) are used syntactically, the resultant complement, the complement to the complement, the tense mark "the". The transitivity of the "NP subject to +VP" is driven by the power of the discourse, and the "NP subject to the middle and low transitive" sentence is generally the "+VP". In the background part of the text expression, the "NP +VP" in the few high transitive sentences is the foreground part of the text expression. The seventh chapter is the realistic and unrealistic expression of the subject subject sentence. The realistic syntactic expression of "NP by +VP" is mainly the verb complement structure, the tense auxiliary word, the time adverb and the copy adverbial, and the non realistic syntactic expression is mainly complex. A sentence, an interrogative sentence, a commentary adverb in a declarative sentence, a modal verb and a possible complement. The proportion of "NP is subject to +VP" is much higher than that of a non real sentence.



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