
发布时间:2018-05-06 06:00

  本文选题:历史哲学 + 理性自由 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:Rational freedom is the core concept of Hagel's historical philosophy. For a long time, people understand the rational freedom as a transcendental spiritual entity on the dimension of thought. It is believed that this spiritual entity is dominated by the evolution law of the historical process. It is believed that the main task of Hagel's calendar Shi Zhexue is to use the philosophy above the empirical evidence. Learning to grasp this rule, Hagel's historical philosophy is a "speculative philosophy of history" on the issue of "history itself". In this difference, we understand the rational freedom as an ideological interpretation principle in the dimension of thinking, and think that this interpretation principle is not a spiritual entity that dominates the process of history, but is the person who holds it. To grasp the ideological premise of historical activities, we believe that the main task of Hagel's historical philosophy is to launch a "precondition criticism" in the field of history, to reflect on the interpretation principles and conceptual frameworks of historians to grasp historical activities, to clarify their basic meanings and to prove their rationality, so Hagel's historical philosophy The main problem is "how to understand history". Under the guidance of this problem, Hagel understands history with rational and free interpretation principle, and integrates the historical activities of dispersing and rheology into an organic unified world history, thus providing theoretical guidance for people to judge the rational value of historical events and to think about the direction of history research. It is proved that the rational freedom in Hagel's historical philosophy is the interpretation principle of reflection on the dimension of thought, but not the spiritual entity in the ideological dimension. We will demonstrate the following three parts. First, we examine Hagel's ontology, because Hagel's rational self from view is interlinked with his ontological nature. Hagel's book Body theory is the combination of logic and metaphysics, so the noumenon is not a theoretical transcendental entity, but a conceptual system of rational thinking; this concept system is not a real object in the ideological dimension but a logical premise of the real world. It can only be grasped in the dimension of reflection; further, The concept system is not a rigid and closed realm of ideas, but a speculative method of clarifying the category relationship after being conscious of the historical basis of the concept category. According to this speculative method, Hagel puts forward his own rational freedom on the basis of criticizing Kant's philosophy. Hagel is not satisfied with Kant's Philosophy. The possibility of freedom can not confirm the result of the reality of freedom. He thinks that the speculative reason can confirm the reality of freedom. In this way, Hagel's rational freedom is the thinking activity of speculative reason integrating the conceptual category of the rigid and opposite concept into the concept system of organic unity. The purpose of it is to break the external opposition between the natural world and the spiritual world, and to unify the natural world and the spiritual world in the real world's "real infinite" movement, thus presenting the real world as a rational whole with no two. In this way, rational freedom is not the spiritual reality in the ideological dimension. It is the principle of interpretation on the dimension of thinking, which is to present infinite objects in the dimension of reflection and not to recognize the limited object in the ideological dimension. Secondly, we confirm the principle of rational freedom as the principle of interpretation in Hagel's historical philosophy. Hagel is in the philosophy of history how to understand history. The basic problem is to think about history. The direction of thinking is not to face the real history directly in the dimension of the thought, the inevitable rule of the historical activity and its ultimate purpose, but to reflect on the existing achievements of the common history in the dimension of thinking, and to think about how to explain the emergence of the history, not the world and its national countries, to be integrated and unified. In the world history, rational freedom is the correct answer to this problem. Therefore, rational freedom plays a role as the interpretation principle in Hagel's historical philosophy. From this, Hagel, on the one hand, constructs the conceptual framework of understanding history with the realization degree of free consciousness as a measure, by distinguishing the spirit from the historical activities. The "reality" and the "existence" of nature ensure that his historical philosophy will not go to historical relativism; on the other hand, by comparing with natural cause and effect, Hagel admits that rational freedom is not the only principle of interpretation for understanding history, but it is the only principle to ensure that history is not redox. In other words, I We can only show history as a spiritual object through rational freedom and its conceptual framework, otherwise our understanding of history can only stay in the understanding of the level of natural objects, and can not understand the spiritual nature of historical activities. In this way, the principle of rational freedom is the theory of history as an independent subject. Precondition, it gives us the basic horizon of history, without it, history and even historical activity itself will not exist. Finally, we examine Hagel's operation process of world history according to the principle of rational freedom. In order to make the historical truth possible, then "concrete operation" examines how Hagel shows the world history through rational freedom from the point of view of specific causes, thus making the historical truth a reality. In order to show the world history, Hagel first established the basic method of holism and thus the truth form of historical truth. Secondly, under the guidance of the methodology of holism, Hagel divides historical knowledge into three different links of dialectical unity: the first is the abstract provision of historical narration to the historical facts of the original chaos, and then a few historical narration of the resolution of its own certainty; finally, many historical narrations. As a whole historical fact of rational unity, the three links correspond to the three historical histories of Hagel in the opening part of the philosophy of history. Through the analysis and comparison of three kinds of history, Hagel clarifies the operation of "the world history of philosophy". Finally, Hagel is in accordance with "the world history of philosophy". The concept of rational freedom is divided into a series of different levels and different levels of specific concepts. Horizontally, these concepts include the concept of freedom, the individual passion and the operating elements of three different levels of national state; from the vertical, these concepts include three different degrees in the eastern world, the Rome world of ancient Greece and the Germanic world. With the help of these concepts, Hagel completed the operation process of rational freedom in the philosophy of history. On the basis of this, we examine the process of Marx's "human liberation" on Hagel's "rational freedom", and consider the advantages and disadvantages of the rational freedom as the principle of interpretation, and complete the whole of it. Human liberation is the core concept of Marx's philosophy, which is deeply influenced by Hagel's rational freedom. We believe that, like Hagel's rational freedom, human liberation is the ideological principle of interpretation in Marx's historical theory, not the real law of reality; in other words, it is only the history of human liberation as history. The principle of interpretation of activity can Marx show historical activities as liberation, otherwise history has nothing to do with human liberation. In this way, we think that the core issue of Marx's historical theory is "how to understand history", not "history itself". At the same time, we think of Marx's human beings. There is a fundamental difference between emancipation and Hagel's rational freedom: the core content of Hagel's rational freedom is to "return to itself in its object". Its fundamental purport is to seek integration and unity, which is a kind of already realized, unconsciously free, and philosophy is fully conscious of it through thinking and thinking, so as to be divided with the reality of split. The core content of Marx's human liberation is "the communism of realizing the liberation of human being is a" negative "process, a 'eliminate the existing state', 'actually oppose and change the occurrence of things. In the process of "form", Marx understood freedom as the reality of human liberation, "the actual movement to eliminate the present situation" and the Communist movement of "actually oppose and change the situation of things." (1) its fundamental purport is not to resolve contradictions in the ideological level, to conciliate reality, but to face the reality itself, and then to break the beam. It is a possible and unrealized freedom to change the process of negation of reality. Therefore, it is a modern freedom view of "affirming existing things at the same time containing negative understanding". From this, Marx changes the split and contradiction of the real world through "the activity of perceptual human", and finally implements the human liberation to the matter of matter. In the transformation of life and production mode, people not only gain freedom of thought, but also in reality.



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