
发布时间:2018-05-09 21:58

  本文选题:哈撒儿 + 传说 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:Hathar is the brother of Genghis Khan, a famous Mongol strategist and statesman. He made great contributions to Genghis Khan's establishment of the Mongolian empire. However, the life of Hazare is seldom mentioned in the early Mongolian historical documents and the later Yuan History, only in the 17.18.19 ~ (th) century historical literature. Therefore, this paper takes the historical legends recorded in the historical documents and the legends recorded in the books of the 20th century as the research blueprint, combined with comparative analysis, maternal research methods, the historical documents of the legends of Hazare, The legends of Hazare, the motif of legends and the potential cultural connotations in the book records are deeply explored. This paper is composed of introduction, 1-5 chapters, conclusions, appendices and references. The introduction focuses on the significance of this paper, research methods, research purposes and the collection of the original materials of Hazare legends. At the same time, the gains and losses in the study of Hazare legends and the matters needing attention in the future research are put forward. The first chapter of the legends of Hazare first appeared before the 14th century, in the 17.18.19 century after the prosperity, this chapter through the analysis of historical documents recorded in the different texts of the legends of Hazare, the evolution of the legends and legends of the general character. Archetypes, stages of development and evolution of archetypes. The second chapter analyzes the records of the legends of Hazare in the 20. 21 century books and fieldwork, and sums up the course of the transformation of the legends of Hazare. In the late 20th century, there are 8 foreign articles in the books of the late 20th century and 9 foreign articles in the early 21st century books and field investigations. The comparative study of 17 foreign texts in the new period is carried out. This paper summarizes the theme thought, new development, legends circle, new content and so on of Hazare legends in the new period. The third chapter is based on Thompson's Index of folklore motifs, and compiles the motif chain of Hazare legends. At the same time, the paper analyzes the key motif of surrender to witches, incantation motif and punishment motif in Hazare's surrender Witch Legend. In the fourth chapter, through the comparative study of the legends of Hazare in different periods, the author concludes that the legends of Hathare have the ladder type story chain, the special meaning of organic combination, the combination of mythology and reality, and the unique opportunities of special people. And through the analysis of the characteristics, the main ideas of Hathare's self-sacrifice and self-belief in the legends of Hathare are obtained. In the fifth chapter, the author points out that the fundamental reasons for the inheritance of the legends of Hathar are hero worship and ancestor worship. The author puts forward the transition from the single oral transmission to the worship of Hathar by sacrificial sacrifice, and the stage of worshipping Hathar by naming it. The influence of the legends of Hathare through the form of worship has been expanded day by day. In favor of the new media era, the inheritance and development of the legends of Hazare. This article has carried on the thorough, the systematic research to the Hathare legends, the omni-directional demonstration Hathare legend evolution track, the inheritance reason, has carried on the analysis to its main motif, has probed into the cultural connotation and so on folk custom, worship and so on.


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