
发布时间:2018-05-14 12:38

  本文选题:庞德 + 《诗章》 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Pound is a controversial big poet in twentieth Century. He is one of the most difficult writers in the Anglo American poetry world. He took fifty-two years of unfinished poetry as a "book of poetry". It is recognized as a "book of heaven". In addition to the reading barrier caused by more than 20 languages, and the fragmentary typesetting printing, it is disorderly. The structure of the text, the expression of the flow of consciousness and the idea of the mysticism veil, all of which make the chapter of the poem more difficult and difficult to understand, but also bring difficulties and challenges to the European and American poetry critics. For years, there are many details and chapters in the process of reading and interpreting the poem. Juliet Christiva's intertextuality theory provides a unique cognitive perspective to help readers transform their thinking and understanding, which can be used to solve this problem. The intertextual interpretation of Pound's poetry is based on the above considerations. Looking at the research results at home and abroad, the European and American scholars focus on the five aspects of Pound and the "chapter of poetry": first, assemble and organize all kinds of manuscripts written by Pound in order to make research work for readers. Prepare the first hand material; second, carry out a case study of Pound's growth experience, personal circumstances, and life ups and downs; third, summarize Pound's poems or translations, etc. in the form of guide reading and text guide; fourth, excavate and organize the artistic features and thinking themes of Pound's works; fifth, personal identity to Pound. The historical status and his role and value in the development of contemporary and contemporary literature are discussed. The domestic scholars have carried out a number of studies around Pound and his poetry. Five of them are the most striking. First, a specific study of Pound's translation theory and translation theory is carried out; and second, with the help of the relevant knowledge of literary theory, Pound is discussed and discussed. The internal and external relations between Chinese traditional culture and the internal and external relations; third, with the help of comparative literature research methods, Pound's creative process and poetic thought are studied in literature. Fourth, the research and Discussion on the style, theme, and artistic features of Pound's poetry, such as Hugh salwy mobury, and pizza poetry, and so on; fifth, from aesthetics From the perspective of Pound's translation works such as "Shenzhou Collection >" and "Book of Songs >" and so on. Through literature review, there are no scholars at home and abroad to put forward a systematic text study on Pound's < poetry > from the perspective of intertextuality. Laurence S Reni's "a poem containing history: the text of poetry" (1997), The text of Chad Taylor's "text of poetry" (1999) and Jennifer Mary Nurmi's "epistemology in Ezra Pound's poetry and intertextuality practice > (2007) involve text and intertextuality theory, but there are some obvious defects. The domestic scholars focus on Pound's translation theory and translation practice, and Pound is in the field of poetry." In particular, he still needs to be explored and innovated in his poetry representative works, which is still to be explored and innovated. At present, there has not been a comprehensive evaluation and systematic study of Pound's < poetry > with the help of intertextuality theory in China. In view of this, this study hopes to take the intertextuality as the perspective to Pound's < poetry. In addition to the two parts of the introduction and conclusion, this study mainly involves the contents of the five chapters: Chapter One discusses the chapter of poetry as the artistic text of poetry, and thinks that "poetry" reproduces Pang Deyi in the form of the language and poetry of poetry. From the perspective of intertextuality, the poem is a collection of poetry, which not only contains poetic images in each other, but also the whirlpool of images is full of echoes and cones. In addition, < poetry > as a poetic art. The text, which is inlaid with Homa, Dante, Whitman, Browning, Yeats, Eliot, H.D. and other poets, is a lyric and dramatic epic which is sparkling and miscellaneous. In fact, the poem is parody of the thought system and narrative style of the epic < Odyssey > and < Divine Comedy >, and combines Whitman's free style poetry style. The dramatic monologue of brownies, the symbolism style of Yeats and the rebellious style of the poets such as Eliot and H.D.. All these bring up Pound's unique artistic experience and the unique poetic character. The second chapter discusses the chapter of poetry as the text of human culture, and thinks that the poem is not a parochial expression of the supremacy of American culture. On the contrary, Pound thinks that American culture is full of decadent and depraved content and has many problems. Only with the aid of ancient Greece, the critical spirit of ancient Rome culture and the tolerance of the oriental culture, can the American and American culture be bright and revitalized. This also reflects the interaction between the human cultural texts and the whole face. From the perspective of intertextuality, Pound did take the initiative to display the rich and colorful national culture in the "poetry" with the help of diversity. On the one hand, the dialogue and Carnival of all ethnic cultures were reproduced on the one hand, and on the other hand, the cultural appeal of Pound was vividly presented. The third chapter was discussed. As a special social and historical text, the poem, as a special social and historical text, not only absorbs and adapts the literary works of the former or the later generations, but also uses parody, collage, citations, imitation and other means of social history of the same times. The text is reorganized and reformed between texts. Pound's poetry is to integrate the historical forces of the past and present, and believe that these historical forces will have a positive influence on society. So, in the chapter of poetry, readers can not read many historical events translated into historical texts, historical texts translated into public awareness, social public. The fourth chapter discusses the chapter of poetry as the text of political economics, and argues that the reason why the "poetry" has been controversial since its publication is that Pound exposes his immature political economic thought to the specific plot of the poem. Pound was initially influenced by the family tradition, Later, because of the political change and economics of radicer Rudge and Douglas, he hoped to write textbooks for the rejuvenation of the nation. At the same time, he had no time to hope for the fascist head like Mussolini, thinking that the bull could put the theory into practice and became a political muddleer. There is an anti Semitism in the poem, which is a crime of anti Semitism with national prejudice. Although Pound confessed his anti Semitism, it is obviously not profound enough. Pound's political economics has scars, but it is not a good aspect, for example, Pound's political economy system. The fifth chapter discusses the shadow of Chinese ancient political economics. The fifth chapter discusses the chapter of poetry as the text of moral philosophy, and thinks that the chapter of poetry is a manifesto of moral philosophy, which is embellished with glittering details, full of the search for positive, bright, benevolent, and true, the pursuit of goodness and beauty, and the intertextuality of Pound's moral and philosophical ideas. It is not difficult to find that between the lines of poetry, it is not difficult to find that the words and words are not only Pound's own feelings and moral ideas, but also ancient Greek ancient Rome philosophy, English and French Enlightenment philosophy, German rational philosophy, American Transcendentalism philosophy, and even the Chinese Confucian philosophy represented by Confucius, which not only reflect Pound's Thought on western philosophy. The integration of thought reflects his open understanding and acceptance of Oriental moral philosophy. Pound's absorption and digestion of philosophical ideas such as honesty, sincerity, benevolence and Taoism make him consciously establish intertextuality with the pragmatism philosophy of governing the people. There must be a new interpretation. In the poem, Pound is also a passionate admirer of the new Platon doctrine. He is also the spokesperson for the moral philosophy of populism. Pound stands on the standpoint of the common people to maintain social justice, and thinks that it is not power but duty. At the same time, he wants him to safeguard the interests of the people. The theory of sex is a key to the interpretation of the chapter of poetry. With the help of this theory, it is not difficult to see that the "chapter >" as a text does have the characteristics of opening, pluralism and cross context. Of course, the intertextuality interpretation of the < poetry > is found by reading the "poetry" and the intertextuality theory itself, and to some extent it is also to the theory of intertextuality. A kind of contribution, or a kind of development and development. It is necessary to point out that Pound's poetry is a great work of encyclopedia. This study is only a tentative theoretical analysis and practical exploration of Pound's < poetry > with the aid of intertextuality. Therefore, it can only be a leopard in the pipe, and it is impossible to meet with each other. Although it is based on Christie The text theory and intertextuality theory of literary theorists, such as Eve, can regard the < poem > as the artistic text of poetry, the text of human culture, the text of social history, the text of political economy and the text of moral philosophy, but it is impossible to exhaustion the study of all the phenomena in these fields, because the poem is itself composed of all kinds of words and countless words. The aggregation is full of infinite possibilities; and, from the point of a poem, more meaning can be extended so that a number of implied words can be read from a poetic discourse. Perhaps it is precisely because of this, that the study of Pound's chapter of poetry is full of confusing; perhaps it is precisely because of this, that the study of Pound's poetry has become the only one. The taste is born, and the meaning is infinite.



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3 黄运特;;美国人想象的中国人[J];书城;2014年11期

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6 钱兆明;欧荣;;《马典》无“q省,




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