
发布时间:2018-05-25 15:32

  本文选题:宋代 + 传记 ; 参考:《南京大学》2017年博士论文

【摘要】:本文所论"宋代传记",是指两宋时期创作的,以"传"为名的人物纪事或拟人纪事作品,主要包括单独刊行的"类传"以及文人别集中的"传体文"。宋代传记是中国古代传记发展史中不可或缺的一环,也是宋代散文研究的重要组成部分。将宋代传记作为研究对象,旨在梳理传记文体的发展演变,探索宋代传记主要类型,总结宋代传记的文学价值和文体特征,对宋代传记中的大家、名作有更为深入的理解。全文共分为上、下两篇。上篇第一章《宋前传记发展述略》。本章从文体功能的角度追溯传记的起源,展现"传述"理念下写人艺术不断积累的历史过程。第二章《宋代传记的发展历程》。诗文革新、民族危机以及理学思想,是影响宋代传记发展的主要因素,本章旨在梳理宋代传记演变脉络,对宋代传记创作有更为全面的认识。宋代各类传记各有渊源与发展线索,本文第三章《宋代传记的类型与主题》选择"名臣传""武将传" "僧传"作为重点研究对象。其中,"名臣传"寄托了士大夫对贤臣政治的期待;"武将传"为主战派提供有力的舆论支持;"僧传"在宋代的变化,体现了佛教面对新形势的适应与调整。第四章《宋代传记的文体学考察》旨在探讨宋代传记的文体划分与文体功能,理清传记与其它文体的关系,总结宋代传记的艺术特色。"传记"类名开始在宋代目录著录中独立出现,然而,宋代多数目录著作又将杂记、杂事收入"传记"。相比之下,宋代文章选本对文集传记的题材类型、文体性质的认识更成熟。"传体文"是宋代传记的主体,传体文与墓志、行状、传奇有着相似的文体特征,却又有不同的文体功能。宋代传记的基本功能是"与史互补","议论"是宋代传记的时代特征,特定的传记功能观构成了宋人对传记"得体"的认识。宋代传记的艺术性也值得关注:叙事有轻重,人物形象更突出;作者的"显"与"隐"丰富了传记的文学表达;作者的"情"与"志"拓展了传记的精神世界;诗歌或诗评为纪实的文字增添了文学色彩。下篇为宋代传记专题研究,共七章。分别选取欧阳修、司马光、曾巩、苏轼、胡寅、朱熹、杨万里、陆游等八位作家。这八位作家的传记思想和传记创作各有特色,譬如,欧阳修传记的"简而有法",曾巩传记的"平正中和",司马光传记的史学考辨,苏轼传记的奇伟诙谐,在上述诗文大家的努力下,文集传记"史"的一面没有丢失,"文"的一面却在增强。南宋传记也颇有可说。胡寅、朱熹的传记经世致用,皆有为而作,体现了传记的现实意义;杨万里、陆游的传记在关注现实的前提下,更注意传记的艺术性,丰富了传记的文学价值。在宋人的观念中,传记已具备"文"与"史"的双重性质。"与史互补"的功能价值以及"经世致用"的创作理念,赋予传记当代史的意义。文集传记的高度繁荣,是宋代传记的主要特色。士大夫在坚持纪事信实的前提下,以文章的眼光看待传记。文章的载道功能、文章的致用价值、文章的叙事方式,很自然地体现在传记中。宋代传记发展与诗文创作的整体趋势息息相关,欧阳修、曾巩、苏轼、苏辙等文章大家的文学观念,影响着传记创作。宋代传记是中国传记发展史上的重要一环,它丰富了传记的史学价值,拓展了传记的文学内涵,为后世传记的发展开辟了道路。
[Abstract]:The "biography of the Song Dynasty" in this article refers to the characters chronicle or anthropomorphic chronicle of the two Song Dynasties, mainly including the "class biography" and the "biography" of the literati. The biography of the Song Dynasty is an indispensable part of the history of the ancient Chinese biography. It is also an important part of the study of the prose of the Song Dynasty. As a research object, biography aims at combing the development and evolution of biographical style, exploring the main types of biographies in the Song Dynasty, summarizing the literary values and stylistic features of the biographies of the Song Dynasty, and having a deeper understanding of the famous works in the biographies of the Song Dynasty. The full text is divided into two chapters. Chapter 1, chapter one < the development of biography before Song Dynasty >. This chapter from the stylistic function The origin of the biography is traced back to the historical process of the continuous accumulation of human art under the concept of "Narration". The second chapter, the course of the development of the biography of the Song Dynasty, which is the main factor affecting the development of the biography of the Song Dynasty, is the main factor affecting the development of the biography of the Song Dynasty. All kinds of biographies in the Song Dynasty have their origins and development clues. The third chapter of this article, the type and theme of the biography of the Song Dynasty, is the focus of research on the type and theme of the biography of the Song Dynasty. It embodies the adaptation and adjustment of Buddhism in the face of the new situation. In the fourth chapter, the study of Stylistics in the biography of the Song Dynasty aims to explore the stylistic and stylistic functions of the biographies of the Song Dynasty, to clarify the relationship between biographies and other styles, and to summarize the artistic features of the biographies of the Song Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, the anthology of the Song Dynasty, in contrast, has a more mature understanding of the types and stylistic features of the biographies of the anthology. "The biography" is the main body of the biography of the Song Dynasty. The biography has similar stylistic features with the epitaph, the act and the legend, but has different stylistic functions. It is the characteristic of the biography of the Song Dynasty. The specific biography function view constitutes the understanding of the biography of the Song Dynasty. The artistic nature of the biographies of the Song Dynasty is also worth paying attention to: the narrative has the light and heavy, the characters are more prominent; the author's "explicit" and "hidden" enrich the literary expression of biography; the author's "love" and "Zhi" expand the spiritual world of the biography. There are seven chapters on the biography of Ou Yangxiu, Sima Guang, Zeng Gong, Su Shi, Hu Yin, Zhu Xi, Wanli Yang and Lu You, respectively. The biography and biography of the eight writers have their own characteristics, such as the "Jane and the law" in the biography of Ou Yangxiu. The history of Sima Guang biography, the historical textual criticism of the biography of Su Shi, and the great humour of the biography of Su Shi, the one side of the biography of the anthology has not been lost, but the one side of the "Wen" is strengthened. The biography of the Southern Song Dynasty is also quite useful. The biography of Zhu Xi, which is the practical significance of the biography, embodies the realistic meaning of the biography; Wanli Yang On the premise of paying attention to reality, Lu's biography pays more attention to the artistry of biography and enriches the literary value of biography. In the concept of song man, biography has the dual nature of "literary" and "history". The functional value of "complementing the history with history" and the creation theory of "the use of the world" give the meaning of the contemporary history of the biography. The high prosperity of the biography of the anthology is the song of song. The main feature of the biography is that the scholar bureaucrats, on the premise of insisting on the faithfulness of the chronicle, look at biographies with the eye of the article. The function of the article, the value of the article, the narrative way of the article are naturally reflected in the biography. The development of the biography of the Song Dynasty is related to the overall trend and interest of the poetry and writing, and the articles of Ou Yangxiu, Zeng Gong, Su Shi, Suzhe and so on are great. The literary concept of the family influenced biography creation. The biography of the Song Dynasty is an important part of the history of Chinese biography. It enriches the historical value of biography, expands the literary connotation of biography, and opens the way for the development of the later biography.




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