
发布时间:2018-05-26 12:51

  本文选题:白语 + 小句 ; 参考:《西南大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:White language is the language of the minority Bai nationality in the southwest of China, belonging to the Han and Tibetan Languages, Yi Burmese, and unsettled. The white language presents a complex language form, the word order not only has the trace of Chinese, but also the characteristics of the Yi Burmese, and the 70% of the words are similar to the middle ancient Chinese words or the people borrowed from Chinese. There are still controversies on the attribution of the type of language. Although the existing research has been carried out from the perspective of morphology and sentence law, it is still unsettled. The clause is an important cut in unit for the study of language types in systematic functional typology. The theme system, the modality system and the transitivity system are the three starting points to analyze the various configurations selected by each system to realize various grammatical functions. Therefore, this study intends to study the white clause by this method in order to enrich the methodology of contemporary language typology. The systematic functional typology starts with three parallel perspectives of meaning expression, describes language, contrasts language, and observe language how to choose different components to produce structure. Hallidy regards language as a tool for human experience in the context of construction. Its view of language and systematic functional typology will be embodied in the analysis of the language of white language. The perspective of this comprehensive system focuses on the meaning of the discourse in the context and analyzes the origin of the semantic occurrence. System functional typology analyses language from three perspectives and regards language as a diversified system. Therefore, systematic functional typology The development of systemic functional typology has entered the stage of theoretical refinement and perfection. In the development and maturity stage of systemic functional linguistics, Hallidy once described Chinese, and then English and some Asian languages were described in the "functional perspective" edited by.Caffarel et al. Typology selected the systematic functional typology of 8 languages and made a preliminary summary and summary of the research goals and methods of the systematic functional typology. As of December 2015, the international functional typology held in Shanghai, the academic circles have done the typology of nearly 100 languages, so the typology has already been studied. This study is based on a large scale language library. This study is mainly based on the functional grammatical analysis of a single language and a cross language comparison. The purpose of this study is to analyze the meta function of white language from the perspective of functional typology. The purpose of this study is three: (1) providing a new perspective for the better interpretation of the features and metafunctions of white language; (2) a new perspective on the white language. Language is explained; (3) a new language study is added to the language library of systematic functional typology. This study reveals the commonality and its unique features of the white clause and other languages. First, by analyzing the main position system of the white clause, it is found that the interpersonal theme is before the annulus and the subject. Once a clause has the language The relationship between the three types of theme is "interpersonal theme + text theme + conceptual theme". This is similar to Chinese, English is similar to English. The text theme of white clause is acted by the connection language, and the interpersonal theme is acted by address, exclamatory and evaluation adjunct. Adding, complements and predicate clauses act as the predicate in the imperative sentence and the omission subject. In short, the text theme and the interpersonal theme are optional, but the conceptual theme is mandatory, even if the absence can be restored according to the context. In addition, in the nearly one thousand sentences of the three types of discourse we analyze, three Hallidy once pointed out that there are few multiple principal positions in some languages. We have found that there are few multiple themes in some languages. We find that white language can be classified as such. The phenomenon of "absence of subject" often occurs in the white sentence, and is often omitted in the literal sentence in the context of discourse communication, but does not affect the integrity of the verbal meaning. The adjunct is expressed in white language. An important means of modality, the tense, meaning and mood of the white clause depend largely on the additional words, but there are exceptions. In the case of negation, the negative expressions of the white clause are similar to those of Africa, Europe and Asia, for example, they all use double negative forms to reach negation. The negative verb and the negative adverb are produced to negate the whole sentence. The negative expression of the white sentence is realized through the change of vocabulary and grammar. The adjunct in the white language not only plays a role in the function of the text, but also plays an important role in the interpersonal function. Type. Minority modal adjuncts appear around predicates, or before or after, to express tense or voice. They generally play the function of "finite elements" in English and other languages. Such additional words can mark the tone type of the clause, the tense of the process, and the polarity. In addition, the adjunct to the main verb can reflect the "body". "" and "tone"; in Southeast Asian languages, this kind of adjunct is more common. White language is a priority of environmental adjunct. This principle shows that time and space are the first considerations of the Bai people when constructing the concept of things. The environment adjunct and modal adjunct are used together to present the tense of the white language process. And the choice of configuration shows its experiential function. The existence of white words is more used to express the static action. For example, a clause contains many verbs, and the process type is determined by the main action, and the process types can be further resolved by the double analytic hierarchy process. The psychological process clause usually has a projective clause, and the speech process is usually There is a clause as the content of speech. The existence of a clause usually begins with an environmental adjunct, and an existence usually appears behind a process verb. The complement of a matter clause can normally be prepositioned to the main position, placed before the action executor and the process. The predicated clause is usually followed by a marker No33 or V?? a common structure in white clause. The process is inseparable from a common subject, and several process relations are inseparable. At this time, the negative words usually appear on the first process of the imperative sentence or the end of the sentence. The interpersonal function of the white clause and other expressions, such as the second person pronoun, are called the peace name, the ellipsis of the clause structure and the society. Other features include the position of the participants, the omission of some participants and the preposition of the complement. The complement of the imperative sentence is usually before the omission subject, and the subject is often omitted in the direct sentence. This study proves that the descriptive model of the systemic functional grammar is applicable to the analysis of white language, and most of the descriptive references are available The functions of the white clause and the Chinese, the English clause are basically similar, but there are still some differences. For example, a double analysis is necessary for a compound sentence, as in the choice of the theme. In white language, there are more components of the theme, and its environmental composition, complement, process or predicate can be used as the main position. From the perspective of vocabulary grammar, white The grammar of the sentence is realized through various channels. This study shows that although the white language is defined as an isolated language, there are some changes in the ancient Yi Burmese Language in white language, for example, some verbs and adverbs can produce their negative expressions through morphological changes. In white language, the speaker's attitude can be expressed in addition to adverbs and adjectives. The first chapter has seven chapters. The first chapter is a brief introduction to the research background, the white language, the white language, the research purpose, the significance and the framework of the thesis. The second chapter reviews the related research results of white language, the status of the systematic functional typology on the description of natural languages. The third chapter introduces the theoretical basis of systemic functional linguistics and systematic functional typology. It is through the theoretical framework of systematic functional typology that we have been able to systematize many scattered and local grammatical phenomena. The fourth, fifth and sixth chapters analyze the three meta functions of the white clause. The fourth chapter is from the white language. The fifth chapter makes an analysis of the theme system. The fifth chapter examines the modality system and analyzes the interpersonal function of the white language. The sixth chapter studies the experiential function of the white phrase, discusses the type of the process, the participants involved and the other components needed to build the experience process. The seventh chapter summarizes the full text and reviews the theory and language drawing. The focus of this study is to analyze the single language of white language, but also to make a cross language comparison of the local grammatical features, for example, double negation means negation. It is through this comparative study that we find the total of three dialects in white language. In addition, we also found that the existing language sources in the white language are mostly in the middle and southern dialects, while the northern dialect is less. In the first place, the northern dialect may be less populated, and perhaps because the northern dialect is in remote areas, and no local people are engaged in linguistic research. This study expands the direction of the study of the language typology, and based on the SFL and its theoretical branch SFT theory to describe the functional typology of the white language as an isolated language, which can not only fully verify the universality of the theory, but also enrich and improve the theory, and can further refine and build it. Although SFT analysis does not fully answer the problem of a single language, it believes that we provide a typological perspective and make us multidimensional to observe the language. For the specific attribution of the white language, in addition to the type based study on the SFT, it should be combined with the research of language evolution, language cognition and historical linguistics. This method can be used as a follow-up research goal of this study.




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