
发布时间:2016-12-05 15:25


  第二、三、四章是论文的核心部分,分别对儒家、道家、法家君道论作了较为细致的论述: 儒家方面,孔子提出“为政以德”的为治思路,主张“为国以礼”,肯定“刑”的作用,在君德修养上强调“仁”的重要性。孔子君道论为先秦儒家君道论建立了基础。《大学》《中庸》君道论的突出特点是通过对天道、心性问题的探讨,深化了儒家对君德修养问题的认识。孟子把“为民”作为君主为政的根本目的,强调“仁政”和“得人”在实现君德方面的作用。荀子君道论在继承儒家思想的基本立场基础上,提出“君者,能群也”的命题,并以“分”释“礼”吸收法家思想,在君德修养上则提出“虚壹而静”的看法,明显地受到来自道家黄老学派的思想影响。 道家方面,老子提出“为无为则无不治”的为治思路,强调“虚静”是君德之根本,认为侯王具备“虚静”之德就能收到民“自化”的治理效果。老子君道论为先秦道家君道论建立了基础。《黄帝四经》根本上继承了老子的治国思路,提出“秋毫成之,必有形名”的命题,为引出君主为政所必备的制度提供了形名论上的依据。《管子》“四篇”则明确提出“心治是国治”命题,把君主治国平天下之事归结于君心,进而提出“内静外敬”修养原则,在君德修养上体现出融合道、儒思想的特点。《吕氏春秋》提出“能养天之所生而勿撄为天子”的命题,在君主制臣、运用赏罚、君德修养上体现出明显的融合道家、儒家、法家思想的特点。 法家方面,慎到认为君主的作用在于“通理止争”,基于“人情自为”的特点,他提出了君主以“势”才能“服人”的观点,强调“法”在君主治国中的作用。商鞅对君主运用赏罚、治官问题进行了深入探讨,认为君主“壹”赏罚才能使人民用力于农战、实现富国强兵,最终使人民感受到君主的德惠。《管子》“君臣篇”从“主画之”、“官人”、“稽之以度"三个方面阐释君主为政活动的特点,明确提出以君主为首的组织图式,在君主运用赏罚和君德修养方面明显受到儒家思想的影响。韩非子认为君主以虚静为德,以形名为具,以因循为用,就能真正做到用人防奸、公正执法,克服自身局限,最终维护势位。
  【关键词】:先秦  儒家  道家  法家  君道
  【abstract】 almost pre-qin scholars agree that the monarch plays a decisive role in the national governing revolution, thinking about the reconstruction of political order focus for your way on the idea, this is generally about pre-qin scholars "monarch" root cause. Jun tao is the monarch should follow the basic principles and norms, is the core of the pre-qin scholars think solve the problem of governance. Monarch is not abstract, but embodied in the monarch administrative activities. Monarch, how to maintain the potential, how to use system, how to choose and employ persons, the main contents of the activities of a monarch, such as how to strive for virtues, the pre-qin Confucianism, Taoism and law monarch theory is mainly around these issues.
  At present academia monarch of the pre-qin Confucianism, Taoism and law theory research is still not enough in-depth and system.
  Paper first chapter mainly illustrates the theory origin of pre-qin scholars monarch theory. Rulers of the early stressed that "the king" whether there is "DE" is the key of the governance in the world. Week form the concept of "virtue" become the pre-qin scholars think about the important resources of political order reconstruction problem. During the spring and autumn period "ritual and music", in the face of "minister regicide", "patricide" mess, other people will still countries due to the reason for the monarch "DE", they are to make a preliminary discussion of the monarch administrative activities is considered to be a theory of the pre-qin Confucianism, Taoism and law monarch a prelude.
  Second, three, chapter four is the core part of the thesis, respectively to the theory of Confucianism, Taoism, legalism monarch makes a detailed discussion: Confucianism, Confucius put forward to treat way of thinking of "governing with", advocated "as the ritual", "punishment" for certain, on jun's culture emphasized the importance of "benevolence". Kong Zijun way theory of the pre-qin Confucian monarch theory basis is established. "University", "golden mean" is the outstanding characteristic of monarch theory through to the heaven, human nature question discussion, to deepen the understanding of the problems of jun of the Confucianism culture. Mencius "people" as the place for the fundamental purpose of monarchy, emphasizing the "benevolent governance" and "person" in the realization of jun's role. XunZiJun way theory on the basis of inheriting the basic position of Confucianism, put forward the proposition of "gentleman, can also", and "points" interpretation of "the ritual", absorbed legalists is put forward in the gentleman's training "empty one and static", obviously affected by from huang Lao school of Taoism. Taoism, laozi put forward "for nothing is put" for ideas, emphasize "xu jing" is the foundation of DE, think Lord has the virtue of "xu jing" will be able to receive the people "from the" governance effect. Lao tze jun tao theory for Taoism monarch theory basis is established. "The yellow emperor four classics" basically inherited Lao zi's governing ideas, put forward "attention into it, will be visible name" proposition, in which leads to the monarch system provides a form of necessary theory basis. "Pipe" "four" is clearly put forward "heart is cure" proposition, the matter of the sovereign country due to js mi ammy, worship outside the "static" cultivation principle was put forward, in the DE culture reflect the characteristics of the fusion of Taoism and Confucianism thought. The "spring and autumn annals" proposed "can raise Ying as the son of heaven" born to days without proposition, in adding the monarchy, use of desert, jun's accomplishment reflect clearly the characteristics of the integration of Taoism, Confucianism and legalism. Legalism, ShenDao think the role of the monarchy is the "general manager", based on the characteristics of the "human literature", he proposed the monarch to "potential" to "mix" point of view, and emphasizes the role of "law" in the rule of the monarch. Use of desert, shang Yang to monarchy officials question has carried on the deep discussion, "one" the reward is to make people think monarchy in farming, hard to realize new army, eventually make the people feel the monarch teck whye. "Pipe" "this article" from the "master of painting", "officer person", "collection of degree of" three aspects to interpret the sovereign government activities, the characteristics of clear headed by a monarch organization schema is put forward, in monarch use rewards and jun DE cultivation significantly affected by the Confucianism. Everything is done that the monarch to xu jing DE to form called, for the same use, can be truly evil, justice, law enforcement, prevention of choose and employ persons overcome their limitations, and finally maintain potential difference.
  The paper fifth chapter mainly discusses the theory of Confucianism, Taoism, legalism monarch embodies to cure thought summarized analysis, considered the common characteristics of three monarch theory emphasizes the fundamental role of the monarch in the country, the governance problem on your question, the world countries on governing revolution on the sovereign virtue cultivation, reflects the thinking is very unique order. Is closely associated with the order thinking, all through this relationship, this paper formed a unified view of power structure, political power organisms of orderly operation lies in effective operation principalities, and restricting the monarchy system of all the facilities are designed to maintain the sovereignty, help the monarch "smart", essentially the principalities in checks and balances, the safety is bound to depend on one man's "Ming", reflects the theory of the pre-qin Confucian, Taoist, legalist monarch limitations in solving problems of governance theory.
  【 key words 】 : the pre-qin Confucianism Taoism legalism monarch
  ·第一节 先秦诸子普遍讲君道11-18
  ·第二节 先秦诸子君道论的理论结构18-22
  ·第三节 先秦诸子君道论研究现状述评22-33
  ·第四节 研究内容、意义与方法33-35
  ·第一章 先秦诸子君道论的前奏35-53
  ·第一节 周初统治者的王道观念35-44
  ·第二节 春秋时期的君道观念44-53
  ·第二章 儒家的君道论53-97
  ·第一节 孔子的君道论53-64
  ·第二节 《大学》《中庸》的君道论64-72
  ·第三节 孟子的君道论72-84
  ·第四节 荀子的君道论84-97
  ·第三章 道家的君道论97-157
  ·第一节 老子的君道论97-116
  ·第二节 《黄帝四经》的君道论116-134
  ·第三节 《管子》“四篇”的君道论134-141
  ·第四节 《吕氏春秋》的君道论141-157
  ·第四章 法家的君道论157-209
  ·第一节 慎到的君道论157-166
  ·第二节 商鞅的君道论166-178
  ·第三节 《君臣》篇的君道论178-192
  ·第四节 韩非子的君道论192-209
  ·第五章 儒、道、法君道论体现的为治思想209-237
  ·第一节 君道与治道:由德性通往秩序209-217
  ·第二节 儒、道、法的“大一统”权力结构观217-227
  ·第三节 先秦约束君权的制度与理念227-237





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