
发布时间:2023-12-02 13:57
  句法复杂度指的是学习者语言产出中不同句法单位的数量以及各句法单位之间的关系(Bulté&Housen 2012)。Ortega(2012:128)认为在二语习得研究中,句法复杂度指标可被用来衡量语言水平、描述语言特征和追踪语言发展。句法复杂度指标的变化能反映出学习者语言能力,尤其是句法能力的变化。据此,相关研究有助于我们了解二语习得的具体过程,对二语习得和二语写作理论的构建具有重要的参考意义。鉴于句法复杂度研究的重要作用和价值,自上世纪末以来,相关研究方兴未艾、硕果累累。大批实证研究旨在探索句法复杂度与学习者语言水平或写作水平的关系,这些研究结果已表明句法复杂度指标可以区分学习者的语言水平或写作水平,并找到了一些能预测学习者语言水平或写作水平最有效的指标。这些研究结果有助于我们了解高分作文或高水平作文的文本特征,因此对写作教学、写作测试和教材编写具有重要的指导作用。经过三十多年的发展,近来,句法复杂度研究中又出现新的研究动向,比如聚焦中低水平的初高中英语学习者语言产出中的句法复杂度特征、使用更加具体的细颗粒句法复杂度指标(fine-grained syntactic compl...

【文章页数】:238 页


List of abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Rationale for the current study
    1.2 Purpose of this study
    1.3 Significance of this study
    1.4 Structure of the dissertation
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 L2 writing development from multiple perspectives
    2.2 Syntactic complexity:construct and operationalization
    2.3 Syntactic elaboration and syntactic diversity:Two essential dimensions ofsyntactic complexity
    2.4 Syntactic complexity and L2 writing
        2.4.1 Syntactic complexity in gauging L2 writing proficiency
        2.4.2 Syntactic complexity in tracking longitudinal L2 writing development
        2.4.3 The effects of various factors on syntactic complexity in L2 writing
    2.5 Four new trends in latest syntactic complexity research
        2.5.1 The emphasis on beginner and intermediate secondary school EFL learners
        2.5.2 The use of more fine-grained syntactic elaboration measures
        2.5.3 The reliance on annotated learner corpora
        2.5.4 The focus on the dynamic nature of syntactic complexity development
    2.6 Syntactic complexity differences between the writings of non-native speakersand the writings of native speakers
    2.7 Summary
Chapter 3 Current Study
    3.1 Research overview
    3.2 Research questions
        3.2.1 Research questions1-3:Syntactic complexity in the writings of beginner and intermediate secondary school EFL learners
        3.2.2 Research questions4-6:The differences of syntactic complexity between the writings of non-native speakers and the writings of native-speakers
Chapter 4 Method
    4.1 Data
        4.1.1 The learner corpus
        4.1.2 The native speakers’corpus
    4.2 Measures and instruments
        4.2.1 Traditional large-grained syntactic elaboration measures
        4.2.2 The instrument to analyze large-grained syntactic elaboration measures
        4.2.3 Fine-grained syntactic elaboration measures
        4.2.4 The syntactic diversity measure
        4.2.5 The instrument to analyze fine-grained syntactic elaboration and diversity measures
        4.2.6 Summary of syntactic complexity measures and the corresponding instruments
    4.3 Statistical analysis
Chapter 5 Results
    5.1 Syntactic complexity in the writings of secondary school EFL learners(RQs1-3)
        5.1.1 Large-grained syntactic elaboration measures(RQ1)
        5.1.2 Fine-grained syntactic elaboration measures(RQ2)
        5.1.3 The syntactic diversity measure(RQ3)
    5.2 Differences of syntactic complexity between the writings of non-native speakers and the writings of native speakers(RQs4-6)
        5.2.1 Differences in large-grained syntactic elaboration measures(RQ4)
        5.2.2 Differences in fine-grained syntactic elaboration measures(RQ5)
        5.2.3 Differences in the syntactic diversity measure(RQ6)
    5.3 Summary of results of the six research questions
Chapter 6 Discussion
    6.1 Discussion of the six research questions
        6.1.1 Discussion of research questions 1-3
        6.1.2 Discussion of research questions 4-6
    6.2 Discussion of the new trends
Chapter 7 Conclusion
    7.1 Summary of findings
        7.1.1 Findings of research questions 1-3
        7.1.2 Findings of research questions 4-6
        7.1.3 Findings of the whole study
    7.2 Implications
        7.2.1 Syntactic complexity and second language acquisition research
        7.2.2 L2 writing instruction and assessment
    7.3 Limitations
Curriculum Vitae




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