
发布时间:2018-03-24 10:36

  本文选题:拉丁表演舞 切入点:主题 出处:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In order to enable sports dance to enter the Olympic Games, the World Sports Dance Federation classifies ten dance types of sports dance into two categories. It was included in the World Championships in 2011 in the form of performing dance. The rules of the performance dance competition were strictly regulated, and the choreography and presentation scoring areas in the scoring criteria were higher than other options. In order to improve the overall level of Chinese Latin dancers, It is of great significance to analyze and study the artistic originality of Latin dance works in the World performance and Dance Championship. The theme action of the works is the depiction of human body movement and body movement around the theme creation of the work. Is the process of helping the subject to form a complete work. Dance movements are attached to the work, In order to present an action that allows viewers to understand and appreciate the content of the work, and the theme action is to help make the theme of the work clearer. The theme action is the moment the viewer sees the action. The theme of the work is what the subject of the work is. Thematic action is a dance or a dance image of the most important to become the core of the action. The theme action is performed from the phrase "music theme" Moving. Referring to a musical theme that is repeated in the creation of music. The "theme movement" of the dance is also repeated and reproduced to deepen the impression of the viewer. It serves the theme of the dance and portrays the characters. A complete piece of work changes through the rhythms, dynamics, rhythms, and rhythms of the dance. The process of creating theme movements is a process of emotional expression and elaboration by a dancer or choreographer, rather than a drag-and-pull process of filling in all kinds of actions. Theme movements should follow the emotional expression of the whole work by the dancer or the choreographer, using the characteristics of dance and art, giving the whole work exaggeration and distortion. The method of questionnaire survey, focusing on the category of the theme of the works and the two major points of the theme action of the works, and taking the Latin dance final works video of the World performance and Dance Championship from 2012 to 2015 as the research object. The results show that the theme of the performance dance works can be classified into seven categories: classic story (characters) adaptation, traditional culture, love, humor, narrative realism, etc. Among them, classical stories (characters) adaptation, narrative realism, abstract class, abstract class.) from 2012 to 2015, classic stories (characters) adaptations made up the majority of the three categories of themes. But from 2014 to 2015, the theme of narrative realism began to increase, And achieved better results. 3) from 2012 to 2015, the number of Latin dance final theme movements in the World Dance Championship increased year by year. Works with higher frequency, The final result was relatively high.


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