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发布时间:2018-12-10 22:03
【摘要】:生态美学作为一种全新的生态文学理论,随着现代化弊端的充分暴露及其对人的生存带来的巨大威胁而引起学界日益密切的关注。日本儿童文学作家宫泽贤治堪称“儿童文坛的一朵奇葩”,在故乡自然风物美的沐浴之下,他以其敏锐的审美知觉和独特的思维方式,采用童话这一特殊的文体对自然生态环境进行抒写,以乡土自然为原型创作出很多内蕴着强烈的人与自然关系意味的童话故事。本文旨在从生态美学视角对宫泽贤治童话进行解读,试图说明宫泽贤治在童话中体现了深刻的生态意识。 本论文的主要研究内容如下:绪论部分简单介绍了宫泽贤治以及梳理了对其的研究现状;第一部分阐述生态美学理论发展进程和论述生态美学理论的内涵;第二部分通过分析自然之植物美以及自然之“哀”美,试图说明宫泽贤治对日本传统美学和美意识的继承和发展。第三部分通过分析文本从人类尊重自然、呵护自然以及亲和自然、与自然和谐交融两方面探讨宫泽贤治童话的生态美学价值观,揭示其文本中所体现的人与自然一体性的生态伦理思想。第四部分发掘出宫泽贤治童话所暗含的生态美学思想,并依据生态批评理论阐述了宫洋贤治童话对人类中心主义思想的批判和对人类生存状态的反思。通过分析文本让人感受到作者给当代人们所敲响的警钟:破坏自然生态势必造成毁灭性的结果。第五部分探讨分析宫泽贤治生态美学思想形成的原因,个人独特的“童年生境”和“自然生境”对他有着最直接影响,而大乘佛教文化的濡染使其形成“万物平等”自然观,对大自然的热爱和崇尚奠定了他文学创作的基调和风格。结语概括了本论文的研究主旨。 对宫泽贤治童话生态美学思想的探析,拓宽了宫泽贤治童话的思想深度,深入挖掘出其文本中所蕴含的深刻的生态哲学意蕴,这不仅有助于人们树立深层的生态伦理观,同时也力促人们更加关照和仁爱其他物种生命,使人类的生态文明得以更进一步地提升。对贤治宫泽童话思想的深入探析,加强了贤治宫泽童话的使命感和现实感,有助于缓解人类面临的生态危机。
[Abstract]:As a new theory of ecological literature, ecological aesthetics has attracted more and more attention with the full exposure of the disadvantages of modernization and its great threat to the survival of human beings. Miyazawa, a Japanese writer of children's literature, is called "a wonderful flower in the field of children's literature". He is bathed in the natural beauty of his hometown by his keen aesthetic perception and unique way of thinking. This special style of fairy tale is used to express the natural ecological environment, and a lot of fairy tales with strong relationship between man and nature are created with native nature as the archetype. The purpose of this paper is to interpret Miyazawa Xianzhi's fairy tales from the perspective of ecological aesthetics, and try to explain that Miyazawa Xianzhi embodies a profound ecological consciousness in the fairy tales. The main research contents of this thesis are as follows: the introduction part introduces Miyazawa Xianzhi and combs the research status of Miyazawa Xianzhi, the first part expounds the development process of ecological aesthetics theory and the connotation of ecological aesthetics theory; The second part tries to explain the inheritance and development of Miyazawa's traditional aesthetics and aesthetic consciousness by analyzing the plant beauty of nature and the beauty of nature. The third part discusses the ecological aesthetic values of Miyazawa Xianzhi fairy tale from the aspects of human respect for nature, caring for nature and harmony with nature. It reveals the ecological ethics thought of the unity of man and nature embodied in his text. The fourth part excavates the ecological aesthetics thought implied by Miyazawa Xianzhi's fairy tale, and expounds the criticism to the anthropocentrism thought and the introspection of the human existence state according to the ecological criticism theory. Through the analysis of the text, we can feel the alarm that the author has sounded to the contemporary people: destroying the natural ecology is bound to result in the devastating result. The fifth part discusses the reasons for the formation of Miyazawa Xianzhi's thought of ecological aesthetics. The unique personal "childhood habitat" and "natural habitat" have the most direct influence on him, and the imbibition of Mahayana Buddhism makes it form the natural view of "equality of all things". His love and respect for nature laid the tone and style of his literary creation. The conclusion summarizes the main purpose of this thesis. The analysis of Miyazawa Xianzhi's ecological aesthetic thought broadens the thought depth of Miyazawa's fairy tale, and excavates the profound ecological philosophy implication in his text, which not only helps people to set up the deep ecological ethics view, At the same time, we urge people to care for and love other species of life, so that human ecological civilization can be further enhanced. The deep analysis of the fairy tale of virtuous governance Miyazawa strengthens the sense of mission and reality of the fairy tale of virtuous governance Miyazawa and helps to alleviate the ecological crisis facing mankind.


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