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发布时间:2022-08-13 12:56

【文章页数】:158 页


            4.1 视角
            4.2 话语
    第一章 综述
        1.1 创作背景
        1.2 主题
        1.3 人物
        1.4 写作技巧
            1.4.1 显现
            1.4.2 内心独白
    第二章 《都柏林人》中的前三篇小说的文本分析
        2.1 "姐妹们"、"偶遇"和"阿拉比"三篇短篇小说特点概述
            2.1.1 解读"姐妹们"
            2.1.2 解读"阿拉比"
    第三章 《都柏林人》中的后十二篇小说的文本分析
        3.1 "伊芙琳"、"车赛之后"、"两个浪子"和"寄宿公寓"四篇短篇小说特点概述
            3.1.1 解读"伊芙琳"
            3.1.2 解读"两个浪子"
        3.2 "一朵浮云"、"无独有偶"、"粘土"和"痛苦的往事"四篇短篇小说特点概述
            3.2.1 解读"粘土"
        3.3 "常青藤日"、"一位母亲"和"圣恩"三篇短篇小说特点概述
            3.3.1 解读"常青藤日"
        3.4 "死者"这篇短篇小说的特点概述
            3.4.1 解读"死者"
        1. James Joyce and His Growth as an Artist
        2. Literary Review
        3. Main Chapters of the Thesis
        4. Critical Theories Applied
            4.1 Point of view
            4.2 Discourse
    Chapter One An Overview of Dubliners
        1.1 The Background of Dubliners
        1.2 The Themes of Dubliners
        1.3 The Characters in Dubliners
        1.4 The literary techniques
            1.4.1 Epiphany
            1.4.2 Interior Monologue
    Chapter Two The Analysis of the Text: The First Three Short Stories in Dubliners
        2.1 A Synopsis of the Common Characteristics of the Three Short Stories: The Sisters, An Encounter and Araby
            2.1.1 The Interpreting of "The Sisters"
            2.1.2 The Interpreting of "Araby"
    Chapter Three The Analysis of the Text: The Second Twelve Short Stories in Dubliners
        3.1 A Synopsis of the Common Characteristics of the Four Short Stories: Eveline, After the Race, Two Gallants and The Boarding House
            3.1.1 The Interpreting of "Eveline"
            3.1.2 The Interpreting of "Two Gallants"
        3.2 A Synopsis of the Common Characteristics of the Four Short Stories: A Little Cloud, Counterparts, Clay and A Painful Case
            3.2.1 The Interpreting of "Clay"
        3.3 A Synopsis of the Common Characteristics of the Three Short Stories: Ivy Day in the Committee Room, A Mother and Grace
            3.3.1 The Interpreting of "Ivy Day in the Committee Room"
        3.4 A Synopsis of the Characteristics of the Last Short Story: The Dead
            3.4.1 The Interpreting of "The Dead"




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