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发布时间:2021-11-27 06:43
  社会的发展和互联网的普及对称呼语的发展产生了重大影响。微博的出现使广大网民能够更加自由地发表自己的评论和观点。与此同时,也涌现了大量的新兴网络称呼语。之前对于称呼语的研究大多是从构词角度和社会语用学的角度着手,鲜有从人际语用学角度进行的称呼语研究。而且前人研究的语料大多选自文学作品、方言等,很少有涉及到网络语言的。因此,基于人际语用学的视角来研究网络称呼语尚有一定空间。本文通过对前人研究的分析和借鉴,尝试以Hellen Spenser-Oatey的人际关系理论为理论基础,采用定性和定量相结合的研究方法,选取新浪微博2019年1月1日至2019年12月31日的博客内容及相关评论作为研究语料,对其中出现的网络称呼语进行详细分析,进而阐释博客和评论者如何通过选用不同的网络称呼语来管理人际关系。本研究旨在回答下列三个问题:(1)新浪微博语言中的网络称呼语具有什么特征?(2)新浪微博语言中不同的称呼语是如何通过作用于面子和社会权利来威胁、维持或增强社会关系的?(3)人际关系管理理论中的哪些因素能够影响人们对网络称呼语的选择?研究结果表明:在人际关系管理理论视角下,网络称呼语被认为是一种语言策略。... 


【文章页数】:65 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Purpose and significance of the present research
    1.3 Outline of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on cyber language and cyber address forms
        2.1.1 Definition of cyber language and cyber address forms
        2.1.2 Classification of address forms and cyber address forms
    2.2 Studies on micro blog language
        2.2.1 Definition of micro blog language
        2.2.2 Development of micro blog language
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Rapport management components
        3.1.1 The management of face
        3.1.2 The management of sociality rights
        3.1.3 The management of interactional goals
    3.2 Rapport-management strategy domains
    3.3 Factors of influencing strategy use
        3.3.1 Rapport orientation
        3.3.2 Contexual variables
        3.3.3 Pragmatic conventions
    3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Research Methodology
    4.1 Research questions
    4.2 Research methods
    4.3 Research procedures and data collection
Chapter Five Analysis of Cyber Address Form in Sina Weibo:A Rapport Management Theory
    5.1 Cyber address forms under rapport management
    5.2 Characteristics of cyber address forms in Sina Weibo language
        5.2.1 Arbitrariness
        5.2.2 Immediacy
        5.2.3 Personalization
    5.3 The realization of rapport management through cyber address forms
        5.3.1 Quality face and cyber address forms
        5.3.2 Identity face and cyber address forms
        5.3.3 Equity right and cyber address forms
        5.3.4 Association right and cyber address forms
    5.4 Factors influencing cyber address forms in Sina Weibo language
        5.4.1 Politeness principle
        5.4.2 Cyber context and Internet culture
        5.4.3 Rapport orientation
        5.4.4 Message content
        5.4.5 Social or interactional act
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major findings of the study
    6.2 Limitations and suggestions for future research
Papers Published during MA Program




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