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《Proceedings of 2010 Third International Conference on Educa

发布时间:2016-11-23 05:39


《Proceedings of 2010 Third International Conference on Education Technology and Training(Volume 3)》2010年

Research on the Status of Normal Students' Study Reflection Based on Blog

【摘要】:In order to explore the present situation of normal students' learning reflection based on blog, this study attempts to analyze students' blog contents. Through analyzing and discussing the blogs' reflective contents and reflective level, we found that most of the reflective contents focus on course study, followed by course teaching and real life. There is only few blogs reflect on their own professional learning, career development and social problems. However, the reflective level based on the last three reflective contents is significantly higher than the first three. With the progress of course teaching, students' reflective level is improving, but until the end of the course, there are still 30% of students staying at the lowest level of reflective level, the overall level of reflection still need to be strengthened. For the problems above, this article provides some constructive ideas on how to make better use of blog to foster students' reflection ability.


I. INTRODUCTION The research on learners' reflection ability has been a hot issue in the field of educational research in the recent years. Reflection is a process of recognition and examination of one’s own thinking process and thinking outcome. It is




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