
发布时间:2017-12-26 19:46

  本文关键词:一带一路背景下新疆文化转型研究 出处:《新疆大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 一带一路 新疆 文化转型

[Abstract]:Culture is the soul of a nation, which is related to the rise and fall of the nation. The study of culture is in fact studying the way of life and the state of life, and studying the past, present and future of human beings. Culture is the main value of human existence. Every society has its own culture, and it develops with the development of social material production. The formation and development of any kind of culture has a slow and slow process of accumulation and accumulation, and gradually forms "accumulation" and "accumulation". Culture is a process and an open system. With the development of the times and the progress of society, we must constantly adjust, update and rebuild, so that a nation's culture will always keep pace with the vitality and vitality of the times. This is the development and innovation of culture. China is in a period of social transformation, and is actively transforming from the traditional agricultural society to the industrial society. All kinds of economic, political and social problems, the crisis of morality and belief, the conflict between the old and new culture mechanism, the traditional and modern culture constitute the unique contradiction in this period. From the international point of view, the contradictions of the East and the west, the religious and racial conflicts, the ethnic division and the war have influenced the development of Xinjiang culture. How to use the modern culture to lead the leapfrog development of Xinjiang, how to explore, show Xinjiang culture unique charm and attractiveness in the further development and stability in Xinjiang, so as to further enrich people's material and cultural life, to better meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs, is a major issue that needs to be solved urgently in the new period. The study on Marx "s historical materialism principle of social existence and social consciousness relation as a guide, the use of cultural sociology, cultural anthropology, public management theory, public policy theory, combined with the theory of national development theory, sociology, political science, economics, using the research methods, theoretical and empirical unity include: the literature research method, investigation method, comparative method, from theory and reality and trend of modernization level analysis of the necessity of the modern transformation of the culture of Xinjiang is due to the economic and social development provides a material basis, Scientific Outlook on Development provides a theoretical basis and inevitable choice in the context of globalization of modern transformation of Xinjiang culture with modern development and transformation for the modern transformation of Xinjiang culture as the modern transformation of Xinjiang. The first, second chapter describes the connotation, characteristics and development rules of cultural modern transformation, and combs the historical process and characteristics of cultural changes in Xinjiang's pluralistic blending. The third chapter of Xinjiang in Silk Road Economic Belt in the core area of strategic position, participate in regional economic cooperation in Central Asia frontier, Chinese energy reserve base, west bridgehead, northwest frontier strategic barrier and other important position, analysis exists in the modernization process of Xinjiang culture at present does not adapt the factors and main obstacles of the factors investigated the modern transformation of Xinjiang culture is facing the domestic environment of national culture, the impact of the "three forces" in the field of ideology penetration and cultural value of Xinjiang conflict and a series of challenges, it is imperative to the modern transformation of culture. The fourth, fifth chapter further analyzes the Xinjiang New Silk Road strategy, at present the targeted aid and other development opportunities, but also facing the geographical environment, national psychology, between urban and rural areas, the imbalance of regional development, the relative shortage of resources, a fragile ecological environment, the main obstacles of culture, social and public affairs such as uneven development in the transformation of factors. The sixth chapter puts forward the basic principles to be grasped in Xinjiang's cultural transformation, that is, guided by Marx's cultural view, it's the political stance and value goal of cultural transformation in order to realize the fundamental interests of the masses and promote the all-round and free development of human beings. The seventh chapter is the key and the core of this article. The current Xinjiang is facing new opportunities and new challenges in "The Belt and Road" construction, economic and social development, national unity, social stability will usher in a new test, the people on the spiritual and cultural needs of the public culture, culture of government governance gradually forced trend. Based on this, in this chapter, put forward in Xinjiang through the cultivation of the culture environment, the rule of law culture, culture, tourism and culture as the starting point, through the deepening of the socialist core values of education in Xinjiang City, in the country, to overcome the traditional ideas, will explore the socialist culture and cultural integration, the integration of traditional culture with modern culture, establish a new socialist culture. At the same time, the modern culture as a kind of soft power, as in Xinjiang in the new period in the development of the spirit, promote the culture of Xinjiang in the city, along the national communication and integration process of new economic zone, better play the positive publicity and guidance function, establish the image of Xinjiang, promote the innovation and development of the culture of Xinjiang, Chinese. By innovating the cultural management system and the development mechanism of cultural industry, we should vigorously develop the rural cultural service system, actively promote the modernization of Xinjiang's urban culture governance, and build a comprehensive transformation path of modern culture in Xinjiang, so as to achieve the all-round development of human beings.


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