
发布时间:2017-12-27 22:26

  本文关键词:石鲁山水画研究 出处:《西安美术学院》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 石鲁山水画 图式创造 理论阐发 艺匠经营 文化品格

[Abstract]:Shi Lu was one of the great artists of the twentieth Century, and also a controversial Chinese painter. His exploration and innovation spirit and the profound understanding and development of Chinese cultural spirit made him widely known and became the shining star of Chinese painting in the twentieth Century. It was also the founder and leader of the "Changan painting school", an important school of painting in twentieth Century. Shi Lu's painting art, in front of him and behind him, has a large number of praises and followers. The research on the painting art of Shi Lu and Shi Lu has been a hot topic in the field of art research in twentieth Century. This article is a special study on the "stone Lu landscape painting" from the viewpoint of the historical evolution of Chinese landscape painting and the contemporary development of landscape painting. Based on the "evolution" as the starting point, around the point of painting Chinese inheritance: schema creation, theory analysis, design of business and cultural character of the. The main content of the article: the first chapter investigated the background of Shi Lu art, involving Shi Lu's growth course, teachers and art intercourse; second chapter focuses on the creation of landscape painting style of Shi Lu and Shi Lu of landscape painting language. Through combing Shi Lu landscape painting works, find out the basis of Shi Lu landscape painting style change roadmap and style stage, the Shi Lu landscape ": the integration of Chinese and western, return to the national stage, expressionism period and self-expression period. In the period of "returning to the national period", it interprets the presentation of Shi Lu's masterpiece "fighting for Northern Shaanxi", from the aspects of schema, expression language, time expression and ideology, and explains why it is called the classic and landmark of Chinese traditional painting in twentieth Century. The performance of language and painting of Shi Shi Lu, Lu art spirit and painting techniques of vector "Shi Lu cun". From the connotation, logo, symbol style, ink law and other aspects of interpretation of "Shi Lu Cun"; then, through the interpretation of the works of Shi Lu, understand the artistic exploration of the theoretical thinking and the pursuit of artistic conception of landscape painting, in the third chapter analyzes the related works of Shi Lu Lian Shi Lu painting theory, poetic the fourth chapter analyzes the artistic conception of landscape painting Shi lu. Shi Lu art in "God form" and "meaning, play to write", "split the corpse from the soul" and "disintegration regeneration" means to "everywhere", "the soul of the body". In practice, Shi Lu emphasizes "meaning, reason, law and interest". In the mood for outstanding business Shi Lu landscape painting, more reflect on "the identity between poetry and painting" aesthetic spirit; the fifth chapter is the influence of Shi Lu art spirit of "post Changan painters group" and contemporary painting, this kind of influence is the regeneration pattern of culture based on cultural heritage on the basis of the character. Through the Shi Lu landscape painting art works, a comprehensive interpretation of the theory and way of thinking with the intention of comprehensive research, draw the conclusion: Shi Lu landscape painting in the modern transformation of national characteristics, personal character, revolutionary themes and various aspects, for the realization of the "Chinese style" and "Chinese style" of the ideal the exploration of art history, is a monument to the China painting innovation in twentieth Century. The practice of Shi Lu landscape painting embodies the inheritance of traditional spirit of Chinese landscape painting, and realizes the modern renovation of landscape painting based on the protection of "cultural character" and from the pioneering contributions of schema creation, theoretical creation and poetic artistic conception.


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