
发布时间:2017-12-31 12:29

  本文关键词:回鹘与喀喇汗文献语言词汇比较研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 回鹘 喀喇汗 词汇

【摘要】:《回鹘与喀喇汗古突厥语文献》是古代突厥语两个不同历史时期的语言文献,回鹘文献的基本断代为9-14世纪、喀喇汗献为10-14世纪。后者的语言对中世纪中亚地区的突厥语言,特别是对乌古斯-克普恰克语支的书面文学语言产生过重要影响。但对回鹘文献语言与喀喇汗王朝语言的关系,以及它对中亚古代突厥语言的影响的具体特征范围,程度学术界缺乏研究。回鹘与喀喇汗文献资料前人有比较丰富的研究成果,比如:国外有Atalay Besim(阿塔莱·巴森)、Arat Resit Rahmeti(热西提·拉赫买提·阿拉提)、Sinasi Tekin(斯娜西·特肯)、Aysu Ata(阿依苏·阿塔)、CevalKaya(加乌勒·卡亚)等人对回鹘喀喇汗文献转写解读方面有突出的贡献,Sir Gerard Clauson(克劳森),HasanEren(哈森·艾然),Caferoglu Ahmet(阿合买提·贾费尔)等人编辑了比较全面的词源词典和回鹘语词典。国内有耿世民、胡振华、李经纬、张铁山、阿力肯、周北川、阿依达尔、牛汝极、赵明鸣等教授们把部分回鹘与喀喇汗文献从原文撰写并翻译成汉语了。本文希望借助这些有利条件,以回鹘与喀喇汗书面材料为对象,排比不同时期的历史文献,找出期间的差异,不过,两者词汇数量庞杂纷繁,笔者不可能毕其功于一役,那么多的内容也非一篇文章所能容纳,进行适当的取舍也是必然的。换句话说,本文并非要全面深入地论述回瀉与喀喇汗文献全部的词汇,只是要进行提纲掣领式地描写和对比从而找出文献语言的特点。本文的内容安排如下:第一部分,绪论。内容主要包括回鹘与喀喇汗文献国内外研究状况,研究意义和研究方法的介绍。第二部分正文。正文包括四章内容,第一章介绍现存的回鹘与喀喇汗文献的类型与主要语言特点。比如:回鹘文献有历史传记类、社会经济类、文学艺术类、宗教信仰类和科学技术类。本论文主要参考属于社会经济类的吐鲁番出土文献,属于文学艺术类的《弥勒会见记》,属于宗教信仰类的《金光明最胜王经》、《大方广佛华严经》、《阿含经》、《善恶两王子故事》等佛教经典,属于科学技术类的历法,医学等文献残片。本论文参考的喀喇汗文献有《福乐智慧》、《突厥语大词典》、《古兰经注释》和《真理的献礼》等文学经典。第二章,语音演变特征比较。本章包括第一节元音和第二节辅音,从元音和辅音的交替、脱落、增音、对应、换位等方面对回鹘与喀拉汗文献语音进行比较,去发现二者语音系统方面的一些差异。第三章,回鹘—喀喇汗突厥语文献语言词汇特点研究。本章以人体部位与器官词汇、动物名称、亲属称谓和家庭的词汇、有关天体和自然界事物的词汇、有关法律、公正、罪行的词汇、有关王室贵族社群和社会阶层的词汇、有关饮食、服饰的词汇、有关农业词汇等八个方面对回鹘与喀喇汗文献语言基本词汇进行比较。常用的基本词汇表示最基本的概念的核心词汇,回鹘与喀喇汗文献语言在基本词汇上是基本一致的,这是使它们构成同一语言共同体的重要基础。尽管如此,对二者的基本词汇进行对比研究发现仍存在着差异,这些差异主要表现在外来词和方言方面。第四章,回鹘与喀喇汗突厥语文献语言宗教词汇比较研究。本章包括第一节,宗教词汇的分类与特点和第二节宗教词汇的来源。第一节以有关造物主的词汇、宗教人物名、宗教活动的名称和有关宗教教义的词汇等四个方面对回鹘喀喇汗文献语言宗教词汇进行对比,最后发现宗教术语具有独一性,学术性特点导致二者宗教词汇的差异,虽然人类的几大宗教尽管在起源和教义方面有很大的不同,但它们在某些方面又具有某种程度的牵连和共通性,因此二者有共同用于的词汇。换句话说,第一节,主要分析探讨了回鹘与喀喇汗文献语言宗教词汇的差异和共同点。第二节,比较和分析宗教词的来源即借词。回鹘汗国时期回鹘人信仰过萨满教、袄教、佛教、摩尼教等到了喀喇汗时期,接受了伊斯兰教,随着宗教经典著作的翻译回鹘与喀喇汗语中出现了大量的梵文、粟特文、汉文、波斯-阿拉伯文借词,这些借词的原语不同,因此回鹘与喀拉汗文献语言词汇也出现了差异。总的来说本论文从语音,基本词汇,宗教词汇等三方面为出发点,对回鹘与喀喇汗文献进行对比研究,根据初步的对比成果笔者认为回鹘与喀喇汗文献中有词汇方面的差异,引起这些词汇差异的主要原因:第一,方言区别,第二,文献出世的历史时间的早晚,第三,宗教的影响,第四外来词的影响。
[Abstract]:"The ancient Turkic Uighur with Kalahan literature" is an ancient Turkic language in two different historical periods of literature, the basic literature of 9-14 century dating in the 10-14 century, Kalahan offered for the latter. The language of the Middle Ages in Central Asian Turkic languages, especially had an important effect on the Chuck Koeppe Oghuz language branch - written literature but the relationship of Uighur language. Language and literature Karhan language, and the range of its influence on the specific characteristics of Central Asia ancient Turkic language, the degree of academic research. The lack of such as ratio of rich research results, and Literature: Atalay Kalahan former Besim foreign Arat Resit (Atalay Barson), Rahmeti (Gecity Rakhmat Arati) Sinasi, Tekin (Snasi Teke), Aysu Ata (Aissou Atta), CevalKaya (Ule Kaya et al) of Uighur literature Kalahan transliteration Contribution to the interpretation of Sir, Gerard Clauson (Clausen), HasanEren (Hassan Aran), Caferoglu Ahmet (Ahmat Jafell), editor of etymological dictionary and Uighur language dictionary morecomprehensive. Domestic Geng Shimin, Hu Zhenhua, Li Jingwei, Zhang Tieshan, Aliken, Zhou Beichuan, Aidar, Zhao Mingming and other professors Ruji cattle, part of the Uighur and literature from the original karahan written and translated into Chinese. The author hopes these favorable conditions, and to the Kalahan written materials as the object, parallelism in different periods of the history of literature, to find out the difference during, however, both the number of vocabulary numerous and complex, the author could not accomplish the whole task at one stroke, so much of the content is not an article can accommodate, proper choice is inevitable. In other words, this is not a full discussion of all the documents and back purging Kalahan Words, just the outline of the button type description and comparative literature so as to find out the characteristics of the language. The contents of this paper are as follows: the first part is introduction. The content mainly includes the research status and the qarakhanid literature at home and abroad, research significance and research methods in this paper. The second part of the text. The text includes four chapters, the first characteristic chapter introduces types and the existing literature in Kalahan and main language. For example: the Uighur literature historical biography, social economics, literature and art, religion and science and technology. The main reference is a social and economic category of Turpan belongs to the unearthed literature, literature and art of Maitreya credited with < >, belong to a religious "golden light of the most victorious kings >, < < > and Guangfo Sutra, Agama >, < two >, and the prince the story of Buddhist classics, belongs to the field of science and technology calendar, medicine and other literature pieces This paper reference literature. There is happiness and wisdom Kalahan < >, < > < Turkic dictionary, the Qur'an Annotation "and" truth tribute > and so on classical literature. In the second chapter, this chapter compares the evolution characteristics of speech. The first section and the second section including vowel consonants, vowels and consonants from the turn off, epenthesis, compared to the corresponding, and Karakhan Literature Speech transposition, to find some differences between the two speech systems. In the third chapter, the Turkic language vocabulary of Uighur literature Kalahan -. In this chapter, body parts and organs of animal words, name, kinship and family vocabulary, and related objects the nature of things about vocabulary, law, justice, crime Related words, the Royal community and social class on diet, clothing vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary related to agriculture in eight aspects of the basic vocabulary of language and literature Kalahan Were compared. The basic vocabulary of repersentation core vocabulary of the basic concept, and the Kalahan literature language is basically the same in the basic vocabulary, which is that they constitute an important basis for the same language community. Nevertheless, the basic vocabulary of the two comparative study found that there are still differences, these differences mainly in foreign languages and dialects. In Chapter fourth, a comparative study of the Turkic language of religious literature and Kalahan vocabulary. This chapter includes the first section, the source of the religious vocabulary classification and characteristics and second religious vocabulary. In the first section of the creator's words, religious figures, the four aspects of religious activities and related. The religious vocabulary comparison of Uighur language literature Kalahan religious words, finally found religious terms have a unique academic characteristics, resulting in two religious vocabulary The difference, although the human great religions although there is a great difference in the origin and teachings, but they also in some areas with some degree of involvement and commonality, so there are two common used words. In other words, the first section mainly analyzes and discusses the differences between Uighur and karahan language vocabulary and religious literature the common point. The second section, the comparison and analysis of the source of the religious words namely loanwords. The Uighur Khanate period of ancient Uighur people believed in Shamanism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Manichaeism until the qarakhanid period, accepted Islam, with the emergence of a large number of Sanskrit religious classic translation of Uighur language and Kalahan Sogdian, Chinese, Persian - Arabic loanwords, these primitive loanwords are different, so the Karakhan literature and language vocabulary have differences. In general this paper from the basic vocabulary, pronunciation, vocabulary and other three aspects as religion The starting point, the comparative study of the Uighur and Kalahan literature, according to the preliminary results of the comparison there is the difference between the vocabulary and the qarakhanid literature, mainly due to the differences in vocabulary: first, dialect difference, second, was born in the history of literature time, third, the influence of religion, influence of fourth foreign words.





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