
发布时间:2018-01-05 18:23

  本文关键词:论中国抗战音乐的伦理价值 出处:《湖南师范大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 抗战音乐 伦理价值 爱国主义 民族精神 职业道德

【摘要】:在1931-1945年的抗日战争中,中华儿女历经14年百折不挠、艰苦卓绝的全民抵抗不仅赶走了侵略、夺取了实现民族复兴伟大中国梦的关键性胜利,而且全民族放声歌唱,掀起抗战音乐狂飙,成为激荡人心的文化景观。 抗战音乐在民族危亡、共赴国难的历史语境下,和“一切为了救亡”的权利话语中,汲取了相承沿袭千年的“乐通伦理”观和“乐教”思想,以爱国主义为主题、民族精神为核心,创造性的凝聚了民族自尊品格、民族团结意识,民族英雄气概、民族自强信念,民族创造精神,民族奉献精神等伦理价值观念,并以特有的音符、旋律、歌词、合唱等符号体系迅速广泛传播,最大化的发挥了抗战音乐的伦理价值。一方面,促进了中国传统音乐的现代转型,产生了《大刀进行曲》《游击队歌》《黄河大合唱》《白毛女》等唱演俱佳、尽善尽美的音乐经典之作。另一方面,弘扬了以爱国主义为核心的伟大民族精神,引领了无数中华儿女为实现民族复兴的“救亡梦”而不懈奋斗。 抗战音乐作为一种文化样态,积极有效的实践了民族解放的“救亡”大业,与我国传统的“文以载道”、“乐以象德”、“乐通伦理”等一脉相承沿袭千年的致用模式息息相关,表明了我国音乐从一开始就超越了单纯的艺术形态,并作为具有道德征象功能的文化形态存在。就“乐通伦理”而言,音乐应该有普遍意义上的人格美和人伦善,尽善尽美的音乐应该合理的致用于社会人伦,如此,二者才是具有真正意义上的相通相融。 抗战音乐传播观念体系是文化意识的核心,是一个民族内在的凝聚力和进取精神的源泉。以团结一致,守土报国为观念体系的音乐传播必定会自觉的净化音乐传播的环境,使抗战音乐在一个健康、向上的价值观的引领下履行传播媒介的约束和激励功能。以贴近大众生活及鼓励大众积极参与的传播方式使音乐与民众建立起前所未有的广泛联系,在血与火的洗礼中重塑国魂,重建人伦。抗战音乐传播主体恪守职业操守坚持“社会责任至上”的传播理念,构建对社会、对受众负责任的“救亡图存”话语空间,尽可能的优化战争的生存环境,构建全民抗战的舆论氛围。全民抗战时期,抗战音乐的传播同样反映民众从各自为政到统一战线到走向胜利的人与人之间关系的转换。 抗战时期音乐家以“三不朽”作为其人格基点,自觉的担负“人民音乐家”音乐救国的历史使命,使其职业道德规范和职业道德良知在全民抗战年代发扬光大,凝练为“德艺双馨”的最高实践目标,不但适用于评价抗战时期的职业音乐家,同样也是当下职业音乐家毕生的价值追求。 抗战音乐的伦理价值在“救亡梦”的实践中,积极主动的与审美等其他价值一起,构建了我国新音乐文化的基本样态,并在走向复兴之“中国梦”的征途上,给我们留下了丰富的值得传承和致力于行的思想启迪。
[Abstract]:In the War of Resistance against Japan from 1931 to 1945, the Chinese people not only drove out the aggression, but also won the key victory of realizing the national rejuvenation of the great Chinese Dream after 14 years of indomitable and arduous national resistance. And the whole nation singing, set off the music of the War of Resistance raging, become a popular cultural landscape. In the historical context of the national crisis and the right discourse of "all to save the nation", the music of the War of Resistance against Japan absorbed the concept of "Yue Tong Ethics" and the thought of "Music Education", which inherited the concept of "Yue Tong Ethics" and "Music Education". With patriotism as the theme and the national spirit as the core, it creatively condenses the national self-esteem character, the national unity consciousness, the national heroic spirit, the national self-strengthening belief, the national creative spirit. National dedication and other ethical values, and with unique notes, melodies, lyrics, chorus and other symbol system spread rapidly, maximize the ethical value of anti-Japanese music. On the one hand. Promoted the modern transformation of Chinese traditional music, produced the "big sword march" "guerrilla song" "Yellow River chorus", "White-haired girl" and other singing performances are excellent, perfect music classic. On the other hand. Carrying forward the great national spirit with patriotism as the core, leading countless Chinese people to fight tirelessly to realize the dream of national rejuvenation. As a cultural model, the music of the War of Resistance against Japan has actively and effectively practiced the great cause of "saving the nation" from national liberation, and the traditional "literature as a way" and "music as virtue". "Yue Tong Ethics" and other closely linked to the application of the model of a thousand years, indicating that our music from the beginning beyond the pure art form. As a cultural form with the function of moral sign, music should have universal sense of personality beauty and human kindness, and perfect music should be reasonably used in social human relations. In this way, the two have a true sense of mutual integration. The concept system of music communication in the War of Resistance against Japan is the core of cultural consciousness and the source of a nation's internal cohesion and enterprising spirit. The music dissemination of the system of defending the earth and serving the country for the country will surely purify the environment of music dissemination consciously, and make the music of the War of Resistance against Japan in a healthy way. Guided by the upward values of the media to perform the constraints and incentives to close to the public life and encourage the masses to actively participate in the dissemination of music and people to establish unprecedented extensive contact. In the baptism of blood and fire, rebuild the soul of the nation, rebuild the human relationship. The main body of music communication adheres to the professional ethics and adhere to the "social responsibility first" communication concept, and construct the society. Responsible for the audience to "save the nation" discourse space, as far as possible to optimize the survival environment of the war, build the public opinion atmosphere of the national anti-Japanese war. The spread of anti-Japanese music also reflects the change of the relationship between the people from their own affairs to the United front to victory. In the period of Anti-Japanese War, musicians took "three immortals" as the basis of their personality and consciously shouldered the historical mission of "people's musicians" music to save the country. It is not only applicable to evaluate professional musicians in the period of Anti-Japanese War, but also to make their professional ethics and conscience carry forward in the era of the Anti-Japanese War of the whole people, and to be condensed as the highest practical goal of "virtue and fine arts". It is also the lifelong value pursuit of professional musicians. The ethical value of anti-Japanese music in the practice of "the Dream of Salvation", together with other values, such as aesthetic, has constructed the basic pattern of the new music culture of our country, and is on the way to the rejuvenation of "Chinese Dream". It has left us rich enlightenment worth inheriting and devoting to practice.


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