
发布时间:2018-01-05 18:07

  本文关键词:生态学视阈下的大学语文教育研究 出处:《西南大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 生态学 大学语文 母语教育 教学设计

[Abstract]:Based on the ecological philosophy as the theoretical basis, to explore the performance and reasons of imbalance of College Chinese education in different niches, so as to analyze the benign ecological factors and ecological characteristics of College Chinese education development from the macroscopic ecological system deconstruction angle; ecology thinking as a research tool, to explore the factors of Chinese University curriculum ecological benign Dick and Kaili, introduced systematic instructional design model, put forward the systematic instructional design of ecological curriculum, on micro ecological University Language Education from the perspective of the construction of the university curriculum. Chinese education in the cultural heritage, and promote students' healthy development of humanistic quality, has an irreplaceable role. But with the corresponding is the College Chinese education is not valued, stagnant dilemma: courses at random, class is too short, the lower the status of curriculum; textbook in chaos Let repeat, lack of appeal to students; teachers uneven in quality, the status is not high, lack of incentives to work and study; teaching means a single, outdated methods, there is no scientific evaluation of teaching effect. The existence of these problems, we need to use the ecological view more development to the attention of College Chinese education. Integration of ecology and education idea the birth of educational ecology, which provides a feasible way for College Chinese education. Research on the Chinese education theory of ecological University, whether it is education, enrich the theoretical system of Chinese University, to achieve the educational goals, or improve the education status of College Chinese Curriculum, improve the effectiveness, has important theoretical and practical value. College Chinese education crisis in the perspective of ecology is unbalanced, and in different niches on the unbalanced performance of difference, the imbalance of performance and explore the reasons for College Lay the foundation for construction of Chinese macro research and micro ecological curriculum. In this paper, College Chinese education as the education system, to explore the "two basic concept" - ecosystem theory and dynamic balance theory, the "three basic theory: ecological circle theory, harmonious development theory, sustainable development theory, the" three basic views. "The whole concept, harmonious concept and system development, performance and application in College Chinese education. The education system of various factors, the benign ecological factors influence on College Chinese education, is mainly" two subjects "and" three ": the educators and the educated, natural school social environment, family environment, the internal environment;" two relations "and" three rules ": the relationship between people, the relationship between the people and the environment, natural law, social law, education and health education. State can be divided into two kinds of macro and micro, macro ecosystem is the maximum range of the human world, followed by a variety of environmental system in education as the center, micro refers to the specific curriculum construction and classroom construction. In this way under the guidance of this from the angle of the two macro and micro research to the first. Part one is the introduction. It explains the origin of the study, the ecology of education and College Chinese education from two aspects of the works and thesis, summarizes and reviews the journal literature. The ecological education of College Chinese language education, ecological University, College Chinese Education Ecological Research University Chinese ecological classroom several confusing problems made a simple difference the study focused on, imbalance and optimization of Chinese education ecological University. The second part is the study of the macro ecological University of Chinese education, including the education of Chinese University Students in chapter second State of imbalance, explore ecology of Chinese education in Colleges and universities. The third chapter from different ecological niche of College Chinese in higher education and the Chinese education system imbalance phenomenon, reason analysis. By using the theory of ecological factors of education ecology, the benign factor analysis of the Chinese education system in the macro view of University ecological culture. To find the characteristics. The third part is the research of micro ecology of College Chinese education, Chinese education ecological construction course includes fourth chapters of the University, ecological design education of Chinese University. The fifth chapter from the curriculum orientation, curriculum, education subject, education related aspects of benign ecological factors of College Chinese curriculum. The introduction of Dick and Kaili system the design of teaching model, teaching design of Chinese University Curriculum Construction and ecological example. Chinese ecological macro education goal is to study university Analysis of school, family, social and other environmental factors on education, and education, influence of education law, the effective allocation of science to education put forward the theoretical basis and guidance, the formation of ecological system relatively perfect; Chinese education research university is the micro ecology through the discussion of the subject of education, education resources, how to adjust the factor of education the relationship between the controllability, improvement and optimization, construction of ecological curriculum, improve the teaching of College Chinese curriculum design, the pursuit of harmony, balance and sustainable development.



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