
发布时间:2018-01-06 02:18

  本文关键词:西王母故事的文本演变及文化内涵 出处:《南开大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 西王母 文本演变 文化内涵

【摘要】:西王母是中国古代的重要神灵之一,在战国以来的神仙信仰、汉末以来的道教信仰以及明清时期的民间宗教信仰中都占据重要地位。从西王母信仰的演变中可以大致窥见中国古代宗教信仰的演变轨迹,而西王母故事的演变过程则不仅仅与宗教相关,还与政治社会背景、民间通俗文化和文学艺术的发展有关。因此以西王母故事相关文本为基础,深层探讨文学文本与文化内蕴之间的互动关系是十分有必要的。 全文结构分为六大部分,第一部分为绪论,第二部分为西王母故事文本的形态演变综述。第三到第六部分为论文的主体部分,选取了西王母故事中的三个故事类型,探讨其文本演变的过程及其背后的深层文化内涵。 绪论部分又可以分为两大部分,一为二十世纪以来西王母研究综述。在1949年以前,对于西王母的探讨集中在两个问题,一个是以章炳麟、丁谦、顾实为代表的学者利用文献学的方法探讨西王母之种族和地望,另一个是以鲁迅、茅盾、吴晗、吕思勉为代表的学者引进西方的人类学和文化学方法开展的西王母神话演变研究。这两种研究思路为后来的西王母研究提供了珍贵的参考价值。建国以后,西王母研究不再局限于传统上的文学和文字研究,这主要表现在多种学科的交叉,多种研究方法的引入,西王母研究成为一个集文献学、考古学、哲学、历史学、民俗学、人类学等为一体的多学科交叉的研究课题。 第一章为西王母故事的文本形态演变综述,以人物、情节和意象为切入点,按照时代先后梳理西王母故事相关文本的流变过程。西王母故事由先秦诸子和史籍中粗陈概要式的发展为汉魏六朝道经和仙话小说中充满瑰丽想象的王母降授传说,最终演变为宋代以后通俗小说和戏剧作品中祥瑞化的王母蟠桃会故事。在这个过程中,西王母故事中的人物、情节和意象都在不断丰富,西王母本身也经历了一个由凶神转变为长生女神,再上升为道教至尊女仙,直至元代以后成为民俗化的祥瑞之神的过程。 第二章为王母会君故事与中国古代的君神关系。王母会君故事始于《竹书纪年》和《穆天子传》中的穆王见王母故事,在此之后,相继有禹、舜、尧、汉武帝、燕昭王、宋徽宗等成为西王母的座上宾。在人物和情节变化的背后,隐含的是宗教之“神”与王权之“君”之间的互动关系。这具体表现为,为神立言的文本,如道教仙话中,帝王求仙王母来会的故事情节是神仙实有、仙道可致的最有效的例证,同时借君王之权位抬高自我。在为君立言的文本,如儒家的政治神话中,君王有道王母来朝的故事情节是四海升平、安定祥瑞的标志。这种状况随着明清时期君主专制达到顶峰和宗教的式微而逐渐趋于沉寂。 第三章为王母献授故事与中国古代的灵物崇拜。王母献授故事最早始于先秦时王母献舜美玉的传说,体现了中国自上古以来对于美玉的崇拜。两汉开始,受到儒学神学化和道教思想的双重影响,王母献授故事在谶纬之书和道教典籍中呈现出完全不同的双线发展趋势。一个沿着符瑞化的方向发展,成为了儒家政治神话的一部分;另一个沿着道教化的方向发展,成为了道教传经仙话的一部分。宋代以后,王母献授故事被赋予了庆寿的主题,蟠桃灵物因为王母蟠桃会情节而得以彰显,其他灵物趋向于没落。 第四章为王母开宴故事与中国古代的宴饮寿庆文化。王母开宴始于西王母与周穆王的瑶池之会,宴饮唱和。两汉起,王母之宴的主人公换成了“好为仙道”的汉武帝以及慕仙求道的茅盈和魏夫人,王母群仙会情节开始形成。于此同时,王母这一人物开始出现在汉魏六朝的乐舞百戏和唐代的雏形戏剧中,这些都为宋元明清四朝王母蟠桃会故事在通俗小说和戏剧中的繁盛奠定了基础。 第五章为西王母故事和西王母信仰。西王母故事自《山海经》起就已经带有了原始信仰的色彩,在战国以来的神仙思想影响下,西王母逐渐被美化和神化。汉末道教兴起后,上清经派将其纳入自己的神仙体系,并尊之为女仙之首。元代以后,道教渐衰,西王母信仰在与民间宗教和民间信仰相结合的过程中逐渐走向了民间化和民俗化。
[Abstract]:Is one of the most important gods Chinese queen mother of the West in ancient times, in the Warring States period of the immortal belief, plays an important role since the late Han Dynasty, Taoism belief and folk religion of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. From the evolution of Western Queen belief can be see evolution of religious belief in ancient China, and evolution of the story is not only with the queen mother of the West religion, political and social background, the development of popular culture and folk literature and art. Therefore the queen mother of the West story related text based on the interaction between the deep connotation of literary text and culture is very necessary.
The full text is divided into six parts, the first part is introduction, the second part is the queen mother of the West story text evolution review. Third to the sixth part is the main part of the thesis, the queen mother of the West story of the three story types, explore the evolution process and the text behind the deep cultural connotation.
The introduction part can be divided into two parts, a review of the West since twentieth Century. Before 1949, to discuss the queen mother of the West's focus on two issues, one is to Zhang Binglin, Ding Qian, Gu real scholars represented by the literature of the West Queen race and the other one is looking at. Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Wu Han, Lv Simian as the representative of the scholars study on the evolution of the introduction of Western Anthropology and cultural studies methods to carry out the queen mother of the west myth. These two kinds of research ideas for the later study of the queen mother of the West provides valuable reference value. The research, literature and text of the queen mother of the west is no longer confined to tradition. This cross is mainly manifested in a variety of disciplines, the introduction of a variety of research methods, research the queen mother of the West into a set of philology, archaeology, philosophy, history, folklore, anthropology and other disciplines for interdisciplinary research Study the subject.
The first chapter is the evolution of the queen mother of the West story text summary to the characters, plot and image as a starting point, according to the rheological process of combing Sinim story time related text. The story from the pre Qin and the West Queen in history to the development of coarse Chen almost drop as the legend of the Han Wei and Six Dynasties "Taoist Scriptures and the immortal novels full of magnificent imagine the queen mother, eventually evolved into the auspicious Song Dynasty popular novels and drama in the queen peach will story. In this process, the queen mother of the West story characters, plots and images are continuously enriched, the queen mother of the West itself has gone from a demon into immortal goddess, then rose to Taoism female Xian, become the process of folk auspicious God until the Yuan Dynasty.
The second chapter is the relationship with the ancient China story will Jun Jun God. The story begins with the Bamboo Annals will Jun < > and < > in the Mu Mu Tianzi see the Queen Mother story, after this, there have been Yao, Shun, Yu, Han Wudi, Yanzhao Wang, Song Huizong became the queen mother of the West behind the guest. The characters and plot changes, the implicit interaction between religion and kingship "God" of "monarch". This is a concrete manifestation of God, as the text sets, such as Taoism, Emperor Qiuxian to be queen of the story is the most effective example, can cause the Akira at the same time, by the king of the power of self elevation. In the text as monarch sets, such as Confucian political mythology, King Queen to plot is a symbol of peace in the world, good stability. This situation with the monarchy reached its peak during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and religious type micro gradually Quiet.
The third chapter is the present grant story and worship of ancient China. She offered grant story first began in the Qin Dynasty when Wang Muxian Shun jade legend, embodies the Chinese since ancient times for jade worship. The Han Dynasty began, influenced by Confucianism and Taoism theology, Wang mother offered the story presents the development trend of double award completely different in divination book and Taoist classics. A symbol Ruihua along the direction of development, become a part of the Confucian political myths; another along the road in the direction of the development of education, become a part of Taoist immortal. By the Song Dynasty, the story was given a grant offer Qingshou theme peach, Fetish because the queen mother would peach plot to highlight other Fetish tends to decline.
The fourth chapter is the story of the ancient feast and Chinese cultural feast. The birthday celebration feast began in the West Queen and King Mu of the pool, and feasting. In the Han Dynasty, the feast of the protagonist into the "good for the Immortal Emperor Wudi and Mu Xian Tao Mao Ying and Wei, Wang Mu the plot will immortals begin to form. At the same time, the queen mother of the figure began to appear in the form of the Six Dynasties and the Tang Dynasty Music - dance drama, the song and Yuan during the four dynasties Pantao will lay the foundation in popular fiction and drama in the prosperous story.
The fifth chapter is the queen mother of the West and Western Queen belief. The story of the queen mother of the West story from The Classic of the Great Wilderness has been with the original belief in color, immortal thoughts influence the Warring States, the queen mother of the west is gradually rising. At the end of the Han Dynasty and beautify the deification of Taoism, the supernatant sent to incorporate into their immortal system, and respect as the first female immortal. After the Yuan Dynasty, Taoism gradually decline, the queen mother of the west to folk belief and folk custom gradually in combination with folk religion and folk beliefs.



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