
发布时间:2018-01-08 18:00

  本文关键词:马克思主义大众化视域下农村文化事业建设研究 出处:《电子科技大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 马克思主义大众化 农村文化事业 文化强国 社会主义核心价值观

[Abstract]:The rural culture construction from the perspective of Marx's popularity, is in the process of the popularization of the Marx doctrine, to rural culture construction as the starting point, to strengthen the leadership of the party. The party adhere to the principle of talent management, give full play to the grass-roots party organizations and mass organizations of the human resources; actively explore the construction of the mechanism construction of rural cultural undertakings. Continue to promote the work of scientific and standardized; actively promote the rural public cultural service system, rural modern communication system and rural system of excellent traditional culture as the carrier of the construction, optimize the means and methods, firmly grasp the leading ideology and discourse right; through cultivating and practicing socialist core values, from the premise, three a guarantee and to improve the farmers' cultural consciousness, self-confidence and self-reliance. In order to reflect the influence of Chinese discourse, strengthen the theory to educate people The appeal for the construction of discourse Chinese, magnificent scenery and cultural scene Chinese contribution. In addition, through the improvement of cultural undertakings to build a mechanism, strengthen grassroots organizations fighting, grow and play the mass political power, to prevent interference with all sorts of wrong ideas and thoughts of the mainstream consciousness and thought, damage and enhance our digestion. The international influence, with the means and methods of cultural appeal, so that the people in culture under the subtle influence of ideals and beliefs, feelings China progress. And on the road confidence, self-confidence and system theory of self trust feeling, enjoy their national dignity and glory; finally to further promote the "four comprehensive" strategy the layout and Realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation Chinese dreams provide cultural guarantee, build new consensus, to build China into a powerful socialist culture. The thesis consists of five chapters frame. Frame structure and main contents are as follows: the first chapter reviews the academic research situation at home and abroad, and the relevant core concepts are defined and analyzed. The second chapter is about the relationship between Marx's popularization and the rural cultural construction were analyzed. The guiding ideology from four aspects, namely Marx's theory about culture in theory, the core value system and the construction of harmonious culture, the mass viewpoint and the route theory, spiritual civilization construction theory deeply expounds the relationship between the two; starting from the socialist nature and the cultural construction of the times, the cultural construction in one of the main task is to realize the rural popularization of the Marx doctrine; from righteousness and expand the popular platform to create a good atmosphere, so that to promote the Marx doctrine popular in rural areas must pay great attention to cultural industry. Development and construction, because the former depends on the latter as the carrier; finally discusses the basic principles of rural culture construction from the perspective of Marx's popularity. The third chapter expounds the rural culture construction from the perspective of Marx's popular theme in history. The article thinks that the Communist Party will China Marx doctrine as its guiding ideology, the leadership of Chinese the people in revolution, construction, reform and modernization process inherent implied from ideology to control economic construction to gradually change the service economy. Historical theme determines the historical task. Different historical stages have different historical tasks. On the one hand, the construction of rural cultural undertakings is the task of each phase and the theme of the service; on the other hand, the conversion of different themes for the construction of the rural cultural undertakings have different requirements. This constitutes the theme as the conversion The historical evolution of the construction of rural culture of the Marx doctrine popular view angle. The historical evolution throughout the development process of economic and social development and the development of mainstream ideology since the birth of the Communist Party of Chinese line and dark line. Therefore, according to the history of the different theme, the new democratic revolution period to the new century can be roughly divided into three stages. The revolutionary struggle period (the period of the new democratic revolution); development stage of production (New China establishment to reform and opening up; () stage of reform and opening up reform and opening up to the new century ago). According to this idea, this paper summarizes the construction of rural cultural undertakings in various stages of the characteristics and achievements and experience. The fourth chapter discusses the reality the construction of the rural cultural undertakings in the new century. Summarize the achievements and experience of the construction of the rural cultural undertakings in this period were analyzed. The construction of rural culture. The problems and reasons. It is pointed out that the construction of rural culture facing opportunities and challenges. The fifth chapter in the second ~ four chapter theory, history and reality analysis as the foundation, from the theme of the times, the practical requirements, the main task of the five aspects of the important path and basic security puts forward the strategic thinking of rural cultural undertakings from the perspective of Marx's popularity under the new situation during the new period. The article believes that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation Chinese dream is a major strategic decision made in China under the new historical conditions. All walks of life, the construction of all aspects of the society should be based. It can be seen that in the rural areas to promote the cultural undertakings is righteousness due to its problems, but also the new era theme. Practical requirements and to promote the cultural construction in rural areas is implemented through the layers of the top-level design, cultivate and practice the core values. Force farmers to enhance the mental quality and ideological level. To ensure the premise, basis and purpose to strengthen culture consciousness of farmers, cultural self-confidence and self-reliance is the main task of the construction of the rural cultural undertakings. The innovation of Marx's popular mode of communication is an important path to the construction of rural culture. To improve the management mechanism of rural cultural undertakings is the basic guarantee of the construction of rural culture, to firmly grasp the leading ideology and discourse right, enhance the national cultural soft power. By adhering to the party propaganda, and actively promote the construction of vector, continuous optimization methods enhance the ideological cohesion, reflected Chinese discourse influence, strengthen the appeal of theory to educate people by giving full play to the party. The fortress base, mass organizations play advantages, explore the basic guarantee of cultural undertakings to build a mechanism, prevent all kinds of mistakes In the end, we must rely on the above means and methods to enhance our international influence and cultural attraction, and finally build our country into a strong socialist cultural power.



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