
发布时间:2018-01-09 00:23

  本文关键词:“海派剪纸艺术”传承与发展研究 出处:《上海大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 海派剪纸艺术 非物质文化遗产 传承 都市

[Abstract]:This paper takes the inheritance and development of "Shanghai paper-cut art" as the theme. From the source and inheritance, urban non-heritage protection mechanism, forms and style characteristics, urban characteristics and Shanghai culture. As well as inheritance difficulties and strategies, discusses the modern urban culture environment in Shanghai, "Shanghai paper-cut art" as a traditional folk culture and non-heritage of the heritage of the list of items, protection. Development characteristics. The paper divides the origin and development of Shanghai non-relic list project "Shanghai paper-cut art" into four stages. Before the founding stage, 1930-1950. This paper introduces the origin and development environment of the early "Shanghai paper-cut art". From the founding stage to 1950-1980, the paper cutting art of the Shanghai School gradually formed a local representative art form in the two founders, Wang Gan and Lin Ximing, in their respective artistic exploration. The development stage-1980-2007, discusses the "Shanghai paper-cut art" through the joint efforts of the inheritors, establishes its artistic status that embodies the cultural characteristics of the Shanghai school; From 2007 to 2016, the paper analyzes the protection and development of "Shanghai paper-cut art" after it was selected into the non-legacy list, including drawing the inheritance genealogy and sorting out the memorabilia of all representative inheritors. This paper introduces the representative heritage base and analyzes the uniqueness of "Shanghai paper-cut art" from the perspective of the Shanghai school culture. The paper summarizes the "Shanghai school paper-cut art" embodied in the form of protection, protection of the organization. Three aspects of the inheritance of urban non-heritage protection mechanism. Respectively introduce the heritage and heritage of paper-cut art characteristics of the region, compare its similarities and differences. The paper cutting art of Shanghai School is embodied in the pluralistic style and features of its form and style. An Analysis of "Paper-cut Art of Shanghai School" From the local and folk characteristics of Shanghai urban folklore culture. The meaning of urban memory and inheritance. This paper summarizes the urban characteristics of "Shanghai paper-cut art" in the process of inheritance and development. The paper discusses the main difficulties that "Shanghai paper-cut art" faces in the process of inheritance and development, and explores the urban development model. The "cultural space", the innovative forms of urban diversity, and the future development strategies of non-posthumous culture memory system will be the development of "Shanghai paper-cut art" in the next decade. To provide evidence-based reference value and sustainable development of the feasible plan.


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