
发布时间:2018-01-11 14:39

  本文关键词:清末民初新兴百美图研究 出处:《南京艺术学院》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 清末民初 新兴百美图 新女性 现代性

[Abstract]:At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the emerging beauty map, with the beauty of urban fashion as the main body and the landscape of the foreign field as the background, depicts the changes in the image of women in the process of transition from tradition to modernity. It provides an important visual resource for the construction of new women. As a popular schema born in modern metropolis, Xinxing hundred Meitu caters to the needs of two kinds of discourse: one is the national discourse of elite intellectuals. One is the daily life narration of popular literature. Both of these two kinds of discourse are aimed at portraying women as new women in line with their respective ideals, the difference being that the former is based on enlightenment. The latter is based on entertainment. By the gap between images and discourse, we can get a glimpse of the social fashion and aesthetic taste of the time. It is found that it has a seemingly opposite dualistic tradition-column women tradition and Baimei tradition. On this basis, it constructs the pedigree of the hundred Meitu and explores the causes and rules of its evolution. In the new technology and media environment. The mirror image of women provided by Japan and Europe and America not only affects the aesthetic and value judgment of women. These factors gave birth to the narrative characteristics of Xinxing hundred Meitu with women as the center of narration. Under the influence of foreign culture, Xinxing hundred Meitu draws lessons from local capital. Source. By using, transforming the traditional motif and directly creating the motif, we can create a very rich female image and satisfy the new and realistic desire of the new citizen stratum. Therefore, it has become a popular visual style. The new role of women in the new beauty picture reflects the imagination of modernity of the time, through these images. What we see is an attempt by painters and literati to redefine the beauty of women to shape new women.




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