
发布时间:2018-01-16 07:17

  本文关键词:日本中村不折旧藏禹域墨书文字与书法研究 出处:《南京师范大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中村不折 墨书 俗字 书法 题记 印章

[Abstract]:Nakamura's collection of undepreciated Yuyu ink books in Taitoku museum, japan. Volume 3 is a collection of original drawings of Yuyu's ink books collected by Tokuki museum in Tokyo, japan. The book was published in 2005 by. The Xuan Society was published and issued. But only in the internal circulation, therefore, the current research results scattered, there is no systematic research results. The related glyph, inscription, seal and so on involved in this article are all firsthand information. The full text is to collect 228 Dunhuang pieces of our country without depreciation in the Japanese Book and Taoist Museum. Turpan and other places unearthed manuscripts and Japanese heritage of the study object. This paper is divided into six chapters. In the introduction part, the author makes a retrospective study on the publication of Mr. Nakamura and his collection. At the same time, the research scope and research methods of this paper are explained. The first chapter summarizes the basic content and research value of Yuyu ink book without depreciation in Nakamura. At the same time, the author discusses the authenticity of this book. The second chapter combines the theory of vulgar characters to find that the use of common characters in different groups is common, and "can", "classics", "from", "color". "with", "Ming" and so on the use of vulgar characters is higher than the use of positive characters. At the same time, the author of the textual research? What? What? Bian, Bian? What? What? What? The third chapter focuses on the calligraphy study of Yuyu calligraphy in Nakamura, which divides all the books into four types: merger type, block script, running script and cursive script. Through the comparative study of the calligraphy style of the Southern and Northern dynasties, it is found that the writing styles of the early Southern and Northern dynasties are quite different, until the middle and late of the Southern and Northern dynasties, the writing styles of the two places gradually converge. Through the study of official writings and official classics copying institutions in Zang Yuyu's ink books without depreciation, it is proved that the value of "writing the classics" in the history of Chinese calligraphy. Chapter 4th is based on the complete inscription of the author's book. Divided into the ancient inscription and the modern people inscription two categories, discusses the ancient inscription type, inscription and the relationship between the scripture, and so on. 5th chapter through the elaboration of Zhongcun collection of the use of seals. The seal of the seal and the seal of the seal are analyzed. This paper distinguishes and analyzes the controversial "Guasha Zhou Grand King Seal" in academic circles, and gives a complete interpretation of 160 seals. Chapter 6th mainly discusses the literature types of Nakamura's undepreciated ink books. At the same time, the author makes a comparative study on the unearthed manuscripts of the Western regions of China and the Japanese manuscripts, and draws the relevant conclusions. The full text is to be investigated and studied through the above several aspects. For the first time, a systematic and comprehensive study of Nakamura's undepreciated ink book is carried out, which provides the academic circles with updated research results.


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